Kirsten Drotner is Professor of Media Studies at the Dept. of Literature, Culture and Media at the University of Southern Denmark and founding director of DREAM (Danish Research Centre on Education and Advanced Media Materials). Her 15 books include English Children and Their Magazines, 1751-1945 (Yale UP, 1988), Researching audiences (Arnold, 2003; with Kim C. Schrøder, Steve Kline and Catherine Murray), The International Handbook of Children, Media and Culture (Sage, 2008, co-editor Sonia Livingstone). Currently, she serves on the editorial board of International Journal of Cultural Studies, Journal of Feminist Media Studies, Journal of Children and Media and on the editorial advisory board of European Journal of Cultural Studies and Young: Nordic Journal of Youth Research.Hans Siggaard Jensen is Research director and professor at Learning Lab Denmark, University of Aarhus, Denmark. He has worked across the traditional scientific disciplines for many years, with a focus on the field of knowledge and theory of science, especially questions connected to applied sciences, ICT and education. His books in Danish include The History of Western Technology (co-author, Technical Press, 1990), The Power of the Mind? The History of Ideas in Western Civilization (co-editor, Lindhardt and Ringhof 2006).Kim Christian Schrøder is Professor in Communication Studies at Roskilde University, Denmark. His books include The Language of Advertising (co-author, Blackwell 1985), Media Cultures: Reappraising Transnational Media (co-editor and contributor, Routledge 1992), and Researching Audiences (co-author, Arnold 2003). His current research deals with news consumption in the media landscape of the digital age, and with methodological issues around the quantitative/qualitative divide.
2 Електронні книги від Hans Siggaard Jensen
Hans Siggaard Jensen & Ove Korsgaard: PAedagogikkens idehistorie
Opdragelse, dannelse og uddannelse. Livslang l Aering og kompetenceudvikling. Den p Aedagogiske retorik breder sig langt ud over skolen og uddannelsessystemet. Vi taler om l Aereplaner for de yngste, …
Kirsten Drotner & Hans Siggaard Jensen: Informal Learning and Digital Media
The book provides an engaging overview of the ways in which digital media impact on current understandings of informal learning, and it offes a range of grounded studies of the changing relations bet …