This is the second book to RF Superconducting, written by one of the leading experts. The book provides fast and up-to-date access to the latest advances in the key technology for future accelerators.
Experts as well as newcomers to the field will benefit from the discussion of progress in the basic science, technology as well as recent and forthcoming applications. Researchers in accelerator physics will also find much that is relevant to their discipline.
Part I –
1. Introduction
2. New Cavity Geometries
3. RF Surface Resistance and Critical Field
4. Muiltipacting & Field Emission
5. High-Field Q-slope and Quench Field
Part II –
6. Cavity Fabrication Advances
7. Cavity Treatment Advances
8. Input Couplers
9. Higher Mode Couplers
10. Tuners
Part III –
11. Applications and Operations
12. Future Applications
Про автора
Hasan Padamsee is currently Adjunct Professor and Senior Physicist at Cornell University, where he is the project leader of the Superconducting Radio Frequency Group, pushing the advancement of accelerator technology for particle physics at the energy and luminosity frontiers. Conducting research and development in the field for more than 30 years, he collaborates with accelerator laboratories around the world, including Fermilab, Jefferson Lab, SLAC, CERN and DESY. Among his many publications are the first volume to the present book, ‘RF Superconductivity for Accelerators’, as well as other books and many review articles in encyclopedias. Professor Padamsee was appointed Fellow of the American Physical Society in 1993.