This study guide provides readers with all of the information they need toprepare successfully for the EXIN/BCS SIAM BOK Foundation Exam. It includesall the content mandated by the EXIN/BCS Foundation Exam Preparation Guide, as well as a case study, exercises and sample solutions, quizzes and realworld examples.Service integration and management (SIAM) is a management methodologythat can be applied in an environment that includes services sourced from anumber of service providers. SIAM supports cross-functional, cross-process, and cross-provider integration. It creates an environment where all parties: Know their role, responsibilities and context in the ecosystem Are empowered to deliver Are held accountable for the outcomes they are required to deliver.This publication will be useful for anyone working in a SIAM environment, whether they are a customer, a service integrator or a service provider. Thestudy material covers topics including the origins of SIAM, the different SIAMstructures, roles, challenges, risks and more.