Refugees and migration are not a new story in the history of humankind, but in the last few years, against a backdrop of huge numbers of migrants, especially from war-torn countries, they have again been a topic of intensive and contentious discussion in politics, the media and scientific publications. Two United Nations framework declarations on the sustainable development goals and on refugees and migrants adopted in 2016 have prompted the editors – who have a background in international criminology – to invite 60 contributors from different countries to contribute their expertise on civic education aspects of the refugee and migrant crisis in the Global North and South. Comprising 35 articles, this book presents an overview of the interdisciplinary issues involved in irregular migration around the world. It is intended for educationists, educators, diplomats, those working in mass media, decision-makers, criminologists and other specialists faced with questions involving refugeesand migrants as well as those interested in improving the prospects of orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration in the context of promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development.
Rather than a timeline for migration policies based on “now”, with states focusing on “stopping migration now”, “sending back migrants now” or “bringing in technicians or low-skilled migrant workers now”, there should be a long-term strategy for multicultural integration and economic assimilation. This book, prefaced by François Crépeau, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, and William Lacy Swing, Director-General of the International Organization for Migration, addresses the question of the rights and responsibilities involved in migration from the academic and practical perspectives of experts in the field of social sciences and welfare, and charts the way forward to 2030 and beyond, and also beyond the paradigm of political correctness.
Part I – The Background of the “Refugee Problem”: History, Present and Future in the Light of Research – The Role of the Media: Demography, Migration and the European Welfare State
by Walter Baar.- Immigration of Refugees into North-West Europe: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom
Rita Haverkamp.- Law and (B)Order: Will Border Fence and Transit Zones Stop the Asylum Seekers Wave on the Balkan Route?
Szilveszter Póczik and Eszter Sárik.- Who Can Claim Protection as a Refugee? A Sociological Critique of the Distinction Between Refugees and Migrants
by Albert Scherr.- Refugees and Migrants in the Media: The Black Hole
by Thomas Hestermann.- Media Reporting on Refugees and Related Public Opinion in Serbia
by Aleksandra Ilić.-
Part II – The Two Sides of One Coin: Integration of Refugees/Migrants in Host Countries: Norms, Values and Education: How Different Are Immigrant Youth from Native Youth? Insights from the Third International Self-Report Delinquency Study (ISRD3)
by Ineke Haen Marshall and Chris E. Marshall.- Refugee Access to Tertiary Education
by Michael Platzer.- On the Importance of Preschool Civic Education for the Global Culture of Lawfulness
by Sławomir Redo.- “Living with and Learning from Refugees”. Schools in Vienna Dealing with Global Challenges b
y Andrea Lehner-Hartmann and Viera Pirker.- Teaching about Migrants and Refugees of West African Countries: UNESCO’s Experience and Recommendations for Educationists and Educators
by Akemi Yonemura.- Democracy or Sharia? Political Attitudes among Refugees in Berlin in Summer 2016
by Ronald Freytag, Justin Reichelt and Vaishnavi Upadrasta.- Migration in Germany. An International Comparison – On the Psychotraumatic Stress among Refugees
by Helmut Kury, John P.J. Dussich and Maximilian Wertz.- Psychological and Organizational Aspects of Migration of a Special Group of Refugees – The Example of the Special Quota Project Baden-Württemberg with Yazidi Women and Children in Freiburg
Jennifer Hillebrecht, Tina Zeiss and Jürgen Bengel.- Labour Market Access and Labour Opportunities for Refugees. Examples from Freiburg
Jasmin Ateia, Philip Bona and Stephan Schmieglitz.- A Culture of Welcome – Challenges and Experiences in the City of Freiburg/Germany
by Hans Steiner and Antje Reinhard.- Wounded and Uprooted: Seeking Refuge in the Land of Others
by Steve S. Olweean.- Generalized Trust and Attitudes towards Refugees in Portugal and Spain
by Alfonso Serrano-Maillo.-
Part III – Meeting the Challenges for a Global Civic Education: Country Studies with Practical Experiences: Refugees in the United States of America from a Victimological Perspective
by John P.J. Dussich.- It’s Just Europe’s Turn: EU’s and Greece’s Response to the Current Refugee and Migration Flows
by Anastasia Chalkia and Anastasios Giouzepas.- Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Central-European Countries – Reality, Politics and the Creation of Fear in Societies
by Witold Klaus, Miklós Lévay, Irena Rzeplińska and Miroslav Scheinost.- Migration Issues in Slovenia: Beyond the Rhetoric of University-level Criminology and Crime Prevention Education for Sustainable Development
by Gorazd Me
ko, Rok Hacin, Urška Pirnat and Katja Eman.- Crossing the Boundary: Refugees and (Illegal) Migrants in India – Challenge of Integration
by Swati Shirwadkar.- Regional Governance of Migration in the Southern African Development Community: Migration Regimes and their Implications for the Experience of Refugees and Migrants in South Africa
by Tilmann Feltes, Saul Musker and Philine Scholz.- Fear of Crime and Terrorism among Israeli and Swedish Citizens
by Mally Shechory-Bitton and Esther Shachaf Friedman.-
Part IV – Refugees and Social/Criminal Behaviour: More Refugees, More Offenders, More Crime? Critical Comments with Data from Germany
by Thomas Feltes, Katrin List and Maximilian Bertamini.- Risk Factors for Violence against Refugee Women
by Janet P. Stamatel and Chenghui Zhang.- Refugees and Migrants in German Prisons – Outlining Problems and Solutions
by Bernadette Schaffer and Joachim Obergfell-Fuchs.-
Part V – Next Steps: Who is a Refugee in the European Union? International and Supranational Aspects of Legal Reform and Integration
by Rita Haverkamp.- United Nations “Earth Jurisprudence”, its Golden Rule, the “Refugee Problem” and Urban Safety
by Sławomir Redo.- Addressing the Plight of Immigrants and Refugees: The Role of UNIDO
by Jebamalai Vinanchiarachi and Inez Wijngaarde.- Conflict Management for Refugee Management
by Michael Reiss.- Volunteers and Community Service Members in Support of Refugee Relief Programmes
by Wolfgang Roth.- Migration in the Light of Criminology and Psychology: “Win-win” in Theory and Practice
Magdalena Ickiewicz-Sawicka and Aleksandra Borkowska.- Citizens of “Homeland Earth”. UNESCO on the Road to “Global Citizenship Education”: The Refugee Example
by Werner Wintersteiner.
Про автора
Prof. Dr. habil.
Dr. h.c. mult., Dipl.-Psych. Helmut Kury studied Psychology at the University of Freiburg (Freiburg im Brsg., Germany), Diploma, Dr. in Psychology and Habilitation at the University of Freiburg. Between 1970 and 1973 Assistant Teacher at the University of Freiburg, Institute for Psychology, from 1973 – 1980 and from 1989 to 2006 Senior Researcher at the Max Planck-Institute for Foreign and International Penal Law in Freiburg im Brsg., Department of Criminology (MPI). 1980 – 1988 first Director of the new established Criminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony (KFN). Research in offender rehabilitation, crime prevention, attitudes to punishment, fear or crime, punitiveness, alternatives to punishment, mediation, victim offender restitution, methodological problems of empirical social science research, especially in criminology, international comparison of crime and punishment. Many scientific contacts on the background of cooperation with former Soviet states and developing countries. Round about 700 scientific publications, most recent ones: Kury, H., Ferdinand, T.N. (Eds.)(2008). International Perspectives on Punitivity. Bochum: Universitätsverlag Dr. Brockmeyer; Kury, H. (Ed.)(2008). Fear of crime – Punitivity. New Developments in Theory and Research. Bochum: Universitätsverlag Dr. Brockmeyer; Kury, H., Shea, E. (Eds.)(2011). Punitivity – International Developments. 3 Vols., Bochum: Universitätsverlag Dr. Brockmeyer; Kury, H., Redo, S., Shea, E. (Eds.)(2016). Women and Children as Victims and Offenders: Background, Prevention, Reintegration. Suggestions for Succeeding Generations. International Publishing/CH: Springer, 2 Vols., Kury, H., Kuhlmann, A. (2016). Mediation in Germany and Other Western Countries. Kriminologijos studijos, Vilniaus Universitetas, 4, 5-46.
Dr. iur. habil. Sławomir Redo – f. UN Senior Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Expert and staff of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (ret.); Senior Adviser, Academic Council on the United Nations System (Liaison Office, Austria, Vienna); Member of the Editorial Board of: Asian Journal of Criminology (Springer, Germany); Caribbean Journal of Criminology (The University of Western Indies, Jamaica) and Journal of International Organization Studies (UN Studies Association). About 80 publications on various crime and justice issues, mostly covered by United Nations law and practice, including cross-national crime trends, crime prevention, computerization of criminal justice, cybercrime, extradition, policing, principles of prosecution, judicial independence, victim compensation, death penalty, organized crime, and international criminal justice education. Author of: ‘Blue Criminology. The Power of United Nations Ideas to Counter Crime Globally’ (2012); and three other books; Co-Editor of e.g.: ‘For the Rule of Law: Criminal Justice Teaching and Training across the World’ (2008); ‘Global Crime and Justice Report’ (1999), and ‘Women and Children as Victims and Offenders: Background – Prevention – Reintegration. Suggestions for Succeeding Generations’ (Springer 2016). He teaches ‘The United Nations and Crime Prevention” course for graduate students.