This book presents a collection of articles reporting the current challenges in solid and fracture mechanics. The book is devoted to the 90th birthday of academician Nikita F. Morozov—a well-known specialist in the field of solid and fracture mechanics.
1. Introduction.- 2. Solid Mechanics.- 3. Fracture Mechanics. 4. The contributions of academician Morozov.- 5. Free Vibrations of a Cylindrical Shell Closed with the Cap.- 6. Indentation of an Absolutely Rigid Thin Inclusion into One of the Crack Faces in an Elastic Plane Under Slippage at the Ends.
Про автора
Prof. Dr.-Ing.habil. Dr.h.c.mult. Holm Altenbach is Member of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics and the International Research Center on Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems (M&Mo CS), Italy. He has held positions at the Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, Magdeburg, and Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, both in Germany. He graduated from Leningrad Polytechnic Institute in 1980 (diploma in Dynamics and Strength of Machines) and was awarded his Ph.D. degree in 1983 and his Doctor of Technical Sciences degree in 1987 at the same Institute. He is currently Full Professor of Engineering Mechanics at the Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Mechanics (since 2011), where he has been Acting Director from 2015 till 2022. His areas of scientific interest include General theory of elastic and inelastic plates and shells; Creep anddamage mechanics; Strength theories; and Nano- and micromechanics. In 2019, he was elected as Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and in 2021 of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Prof. Svetlana M. Bauer is professor at the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics at Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia. She was graduated from Leningrad State University in 1975 and obtained the Ph D (Physics & Mathematics, Mechanics of Solids) from Leningrad State University in 1980. In 2003, she got the D.Sc. degree (Physics & Mathematics, Mechanics of Solids) from Leningrad State University in 2003. She supervised of eight Ph D theses and acted as author/co-author of 15 books and 200 journal and conference papers. Her research interests are asymptotic methods, theory of thin-walled structures, biomechanics, mechanics of solids, nano-mechanics, and models of plates and shells in ophthalmology.
Prof. Dr.Sc. Dr.habil. Dr.h.c. Alexander K. Belyaev is Director of the School of Mechanics and Control at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Head of the Mechatronics Laboratory and a Chief Researcher of the Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He graduated from Leningrad Polytechnic Institute in 1976 (diploma in Dynamics and Strength of Machines) and defended his Ph.D. in 1979, awarded Habilitation (venia docendi) at Technical University of Vienna, Austria in 1997, Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics at St. Petersburg Technical University in 2001. Honorary Doctorate (d.h.c.) of Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria in 2012, Foreign Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in 2016, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2019, member of Presidium of the Russian National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. His scientific interests include high-frequency dynamics of solids and structures, stability of machines and mechanisms, mechatronics. Prof. Dmitri A. Indeitsev is is the Head of Department “Mechanics and Control Processes” of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, he is also Professor of the Department “Theory of Elasticity” of the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics at the St. Petersburg State University and a Chief Researcher of the Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He graduated from Leningrad Polytechnic Institute (diploma in Dynamics and Strength of Machines). In 1994, he defended his Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics. In May 2006, he was elected a Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. His scientific interests include wave dynamics, dynamic problems of coupled processes in continuum mechanics, wave and diffusion processes in multi-component media, contact interaction of bodies with varying boundary.
Prof. Dr.Sc. (Tech), Valerii P. Matveenko is Director of the Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICMM UB RAS), Head of the Laboratory of Solid Mechanics of the ICMM UB RAS, Head of the Department of Dynamics and Strength of Machines of the Perm National Research Polytechnic University. He graduated from Perm Polytechnic Institute in 1972 (diploma in Dynamics and Strength of machines) and defended his Ph.D. in 1978, awarded Doctor of Sciences in Technology at the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering in 1987. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1997, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2003, Member of the European Academy of Sciences in 2011, Member of the Presidium of the Russian National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Deputy Chairman of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Research interests – elasticity, viscoelasticity, aeroelasticity, electroviscoelasticity, thermomechanics of polymers and polymer structural materials, vibration and stability of deformable bodies, mechanics of smart-materials, Structural Health Monitoring of deformable systems.
Professor Yuri V. Petrov graduated from Leningrad (St. Petersburg) State University in 1980. In this university, he obtained his Ph.D. in 1985. He was awarded by D.Sc. degree from the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) in 1995. In 2006, Professor Petrov was elected to serve as Corresponding Member of the RAS. Currently, he holds the positions of Head of Department of Extreme States of Materials and Structures, Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the RAS, Director of the Research Center of Dynamics, and Professor of Mechanics at the Elasticity Department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of St. Petersburg State University (SPb SU). His main scientific interests are in the area of mechanics and physics of continuum media.