Автор: Hortensia Pârlog

Loredana Frăţilă is Senior Lecturer in English, at the University of the West, Timişoara, Romania. Her domains of expertise are English lexicology, English phonetics and phonology, discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, ESP and translation studies. She is the author of The English Verb Made Easy (Timişoara: Art Press, 2003); On Language and Ecology (Timişoara: Editura Universităţii de Vest, 2006); English for Students of Kinetotherapy (Timişoara: Art Press, 2007; co-author Carmen Nedelea); English for Sports and Games (Timişoara: Editura Universităţii de Vest, 2010; co-author Carmen Nedelea). Loredana Frăţilă is editor of The Art and Craft of Translation (Timişoara: Editura Universităţii de Vest, 2009), to which she has also contributed a chapter.Hortensia Pârlog is Professor of English language at the University of the West, Timişoara, Romania. Her previous publications include The Sounds of English and Romanian (Bucureşti: Editura Universităţii, 1984; co-authors Dumitru Chiţoran and James Augerot); Ghid de pronunţie a limbii engleze (Bucureşti: Editura Ştiintifică şi Enciclopedică, 1989; co-author Dumitru Chiţoran); The Sound of Sounds (Timişoara, Editura Hestia, 1995); Dicţionar englez-român de colocaţii verbale (Iaşi: Editura Polirom, 2000; edited by Hortensia Pârlog and Maria Teleagă); Translating the Body (München: Lincom, 2007 and Iaşi: Institutul European, 2009—the latter being a revised edition; co-authors Pia Brînzeu and Aba-Carina Pârlog).

3 Електронні книги від Hortensia Pârlog

Loredana Fratila: Language in Use
Language in Use: The Case of Youth Entertainment Magazines is a collection of seven studies by several Romanian, Bulgarian and Slovenian linguists on the discourse of entertainment magazines targeted …
Luminita Frentiu & Hortensia Parlog: Translating Across Cultures
Translating Across Cultures is a collection of nine papers given at the 21st BAS/British and American Studies conference, held in Timi AYoara in May 2011. They focus on translation problems that may …
Hortensia Parlog: What’s in a Balcony Scene? A Study on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and its Adaptations
As reflected in its title, the central question that drives this book is "what’s in a balcony scene?", particularly that which appears in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Exploring its repre …