Автор: Inna Chuvychkina

Dr Heiko Pleines is head of the department of Politics and Economics at the Research Centre for East European Studies and lecturer in Comparative Politics at the University of Bremen, Germany. His research focuses on the influence of non-state actors on political decision-making processes, including case studies on corruption and the energy sector in the former Soviet Union. Dr Andreas Heinrich is a researcher at the Research Centre for East European Studies, University of Bremen, Germany. He has worked extensively on energy relations in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

3 Електронні книги від Inna Chuvychkina

Andreas Heinrich & Heiko Pleines: Export Pipelines from the CIS Region
This timely collection offers fresh perspectives on the analysis of the ‘New Great Game’ – the fight for access to the former Soviet Union’s energy resources. Thus far the export of crude oil and nat …
Inna Chuvychkina: Eksportnye nefte- i gazoprovody na postsovetskom prostranstve
The collective volume that provides an academic analysis of oil and gas export pipelines from the post-Soviet region, covering new pipeline projects and the exploitation of existing pipelines, as wel …
Oleksandr Zabirko & Jakob Mischke: Protestbewegungen im langen Schatten des Kreml
Das politische Geschehen im postsowjetischen Raum ist immer wieder von Protestwellen geprägt. Ob nun die Massenkundgebungen auf dem Bolotnaja-Platz in Moskau sowie in anderen russischen Städten 2011– …