What is lawful self-defense and when is lethal force justified? While you alone are personally responsible for yours and your familys safety, these and other pertinent questions are often clouded with conflicting information. Author, Isabella Hunter writes a lucid and unique examination on lawful self-defense and draws on experience as an advocate for gun safety and public education.
You and Guns: A Conversation is an introductory guide for the novice and does not require owning a firearm. Highlights include perspectives on morality and lethal confrontation, the fundamentals of firearm safety, helpful considerations for purchasing a firearm, how to find a certified instructor and what to expect when taking lessons. Hunter promotes the usefulness and necessity of having a personal plan of action for life threatening emergencies. Your initiatives and actions following could help save yours and the lives of others.
Про автора
Isabella Hunter holds a Bachelors’ Degree with an emphasis on communication. She is a writer, culinary school graduate and Real Estate Broker. Her many experiences include serving as former chairman for the Friends of the NRA, an NRA certified pistol instructor and long time concealed carry permit holder. Hunter lives part time in South Florida and travels frequently.