The topic of China’s rise and what it really means for the global and regional order is the subject of intense debate. In this volume, top scholars address China’s power today, compare China’s power with that of the USA, and forecast China’s power in 2025.
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Francois Godement, Sciences Po, France Tony Saich, Harvard Kennedy School, USA. Andrew S. Erickson, U.S. Naval War College, USA. Michael S. Chase, RAND Corporation, USA. Kevin Pollpeter, University of California, USA. Ann Kent, Australian National University, Australia. Hankwon Kim, Asan Institute for Policy Studies, Korea David C. Kang, University of Southern California, USA. Evelyn Goh, Australian National University, Australia. Shaun Breslin, University of Warwick, UK. Suisheng Zhao, University of Denver, USA. Zhimin Chen, Fudan University, USA.