Featuring updates and revisions to reflect rapid changes in an increasingly globalized world, Readings in Planning Theory remains the definitive resource for the latest theoretical and practical debates within the field of planning theory.
* Represents the newest edition of the leading text in planning theory that brings together the essential classic and cutting-edge readings
* Features 20 completely new readings (out of 28 total) for the fourth edition
* Introduces and defines key debates in planning theory with editorial materials and readings selected both for their accessibility and importance
* Systematically captures the breadth and diversity of planning theory and puts issues into wider social and political contexts without assuming prior knowledge of the field
Acknowledgments viii
Introduction: The Structure and Debates of Planning Theory 1
Susan S. Fainstein and James De Filippis
Part I The Development of Planning Theory 19
Introduction 19
1. Urban Utopias in the Twentieth Century: Ebenezer Howard, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Le Corbusier 23
Robert Fishman
2. Co-evolutions of Planning and Design: Risks and Benefits of Design Perspectives in Planning Systems 51
Kristof Van Assche, Raoul Beunen, Martijn Duineveld, and Harro de Jong
3. Authoritarian High Modernism 75
James C. Scott
4. The Death and Life of Great American Cities 94
Jane Jacobs
5. Planning the Capitalist City 110
Richard E. Foglesong
6. The Three Historic Currents of City Planning 117
Peter Marcuse
Part II What Are Planners Trying to Do? The Justifications and Critiques of Planning 133
Introduction 133
7. The Planning Project 139
Patsy Healey
8. Urban Planning in an Uncertain World 156
Ash Amin
9. Arguments For and Against Planning 169
Richard E. Klosterman
10. Is There Space for Better Planning in a Neoliberal World? Implications for Planning Practice and Theory 187
Heather Campbell, Malcolm Tait, and Craig Watkins
11. Green Cities, Growing Cities, Just Cities? Urban Planning and the Contradictions of Sustainable Development 214
Scott Campbell
12. Disasters, Vulnerability and Resilience of Cities 241
Brendan Gleeson
13. Spatial Justice and Planning 258
Susan S. Fainstein
Part III Implications of Practice for Theory 273
Introduction 273
14. The Neglected Places of Practice 277
Robert Beauregard
15. Home, Sweet Home: American Residential Zoning in Comparative Perspective 293
Sonia Hirt
16. Understanding Community Development in a ‘Theory of Action’ Framework: Norms, Markets, Justice 324
Laura Wolf-Powers
17. Participatory Governance: From Theory to Practice 348
Frank Fischer
18. Cultivating Surprise and the Art of the Possible: The Drama of Mediating Differences 363
John Forester
Part IV Wicked Problems in Planning: Identity, Difference, Ethics, and Conflict 383
Introduction 383
19. Inclusion and Democracy 389
Iris Marion Young
20. Towards a Cosmopolitan Urbanism: From Theory to Practice 407
Leonie Sandercock
21. Advocacy and Pluralism in Planning 427
Paul Davidoff
22. The Minority-Race Planner in the Quest for a Just City 443
June Manning Thomas
23. The Past, Present, and Future of Professional Ethics in Planning 464
Martin Wachs
24. Insurgent Planning: Situating Radical Planning in the Global South 480
Faranak Miraftab
Part V Planning in a Globalized World 499
Introduction 499
25. Place and Place-Making in Cities: A Global Perspective 503
John Friedmann
26. Urban Informality: The Production of Space and Practice of Planning 524
Ananya Roy
27. Seeing from the South: Refocusing Urban Planning on the Globe’s Central Urban Issues 540
Vanessa Watson
28. Global Cities of the South: Emerging Perspectives on Growth and Inequality 561
Gavin Shatkin
Index 587
Про автора
SUSAN S. FAINSTEIN is Senior Research Fellow and former professor in the Urban Planning Program at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design. Her books include The Just City (2010), The City Builders (2nd Ed, 2001), and Restructuring the City (1986). Fainstein is also the recipient of the Distinguished Educator Award of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) for lifetime career achievement.
JAMES DEFILIPPIS is Associate Professor in the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University. His work focuses on the politics and economics of cities and communities, and he is particularly interested in social change, power, and justice in cities. His books include the award-winning Unmaking Goliath: Community Control in the Face of Global Capital (2004).