James Emery White is the founding and senior pastor of Mecklenburg Community Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. He is also adjunct professor of theology and culture at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, where he previously served as the school”s fourth president. Dr. White holds MDiv and PhD degrees from Southern Seminary, where he was awarded a Garrett Teaching Fellowship in both New Testament and theology. He has also done advanced university study at Vanderbilt University in American religious history, and continuing education at Oxford University in England. He currently serves on the Board of Reference at Union University, and as the adjunct professor of Christian Theology and Culture at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary/Charlotte. An international speaker and consultant, White is the author of over a dozen books, including such Gold Medallion nominees as Serious Times and A Search for the Spiritual, Christianity Today Book of the Year award-winner Wrestling with God, as well as The Prayer God Longs For and A Mind for God. White also served as the consulting editor as well as contributing author to The Holman Bible Handbook and The Holman Concise Bible Commentary.
12 Електронні книги від James Emery White
James Emery White: What They Didn’t Teach You in Seminary
In churches today, there are ever fewer older pastors speaking into the lives of younger leaders, and fewer younger leaders feeling there is much to be learned from the experience of their elders. St …
James Emery White: Church in an Age of Crisis
Knowing the signs of the times, and how then to live as people of faith, has never been more pressing for the church. Though many of the signs are disturbing, we ignore them at our great peril. Combi …
James Emery White: Rise of the Nones
The single fastest growing religious group of our time is those who check the box next to the word none on national surveys. In America, this is 20 percent of the population. Exactly who are the unaf …
James Emery White: Meet Generation Z
Move over Boomers, Xers, and Millennials; there’s a new generation–making up more than 25 percent of the US population–that represents a seismic cultural shift. Born approximately between 1993 and …
James Emery White: Rethinking the Church
Why is it important to rethink the church? Today many leaders focus on how their ministries can be run more efficiently. But the foundational question, according to James Emery White, should be Why d …
James Emery White: Search for the Spiritual
This is the book to put into the hands of seekers. With disarming candor (and no churchspeak), White explores the basics of the Christian faith. …
James Emery White: A Mind for God
To be fully human is to think.The apostle Paul calls us to ‘take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ’ (2 Cor 10:5). But James Emery White fears that Western Christians are failing in …
James Emery White: Christianity for People Who Aren’t Christians
"I wish this book had been around when I was an atheist and started to seek God. It’s a no-nonsense, practical, and insightful guide that will help all those on a quest for spiritual truth. If y …
James Emery White: After "I Believe"
Pastor and author James Emery White leads his church and his life with a singular mission: to turn spiritual explorers into fully devoted followers of Christ. The obvious first step in this process i …
James Emery White: What Is Truth?
SEARCHING FOR ABSOLUTES IN A POSTMODERN WORLD. In this postmodern age, truth–especially religious or moral truth–is widely criticized and constantly challenged, yet perhaps more important than ever …
James Emery White: Hybrid Church
We live our lives in both physical and digital community.We need to do ministry the same way.Because of COVID-19, nearly every church in the US was forced to adapt to a quarantine and adopt new minis …