The United Kingdom faces a historic turning point in 2014. A ‘Yes’ vote in the referendum on Scottish independence would see the break-up of the 300-year-old union, adding a constitutional crisis to a deep economic crisis.
An accessible polemic written for progressives both north and south of the border, Yes argues that independence can reinvigorate campaigns against austerity across Britain and deal a blow to the imperialist ambitions of the British state.
An urgent and invigorating political intervention, Yes argues that even if the referendum result is ‘no’, a progressive independence campaign will alter the political landscape. Written by leading activists from the Radical Independence Campaign, Yes will be a unique contribution to the referendum debate.
List of Figures
1. Endgame Britain? The Four Crises of ‘Anglobalisation’
2. British Nationalism: The Missing Link
3. Caledonia PLC: Capitalist Power in Scotland
4. Alliances and Divisions: Scottish Politics in the Holyrood Era
5. Yes We Can, but We Need to Change: Strategy and 2014
6. Scotland vs the Twenty-First Century: Towards a Radical Needs Agenda
Afterword: After the White Paper, After Britain
Про автора
Pete Ramand is a founding member of the Radical Independence Campaign. He is that author of Yes: The Radical Case for Scottish Independence (Pluto, 2014).