James Thurber (1894-1961) és un dels millors narradors nord-americans. Gràcies al seu amic E. B. White va entrar a treballar al The New Yorker, on es va convertir en un dels noms clau de la mítica publicació gràcies als seus articles i a les seves característiques il·lustracions. Es va moure al cercle més exquisit de la literatura nord-americana, juntament amb autors com Truman Capote o Dorothy Parker i va rebutjar el títol de doctor honoris causa per la Universitat d'Ohio com a protesta per la caça de bruixes del senador Mc Carthy. Una de les seves contribucions més grans a la literatura són els seus relats fantàstics. Escrits amb un estil rítmic i elegant, desprenen l'humor intel·ligent que caracteriza tota l'obra de Thurber. Como ell mateix va dir: “El riure no s'ha d'eliminar d'enlloc, ja que ho millora tot”.
16 Електронні книги від James Thurber
James Thurber: Secret Life Of Walter Mitty
Walter Mitty, a mild-mannered forty-year-old man, drives into Connecticut with his wife for their weekly shopping trip. Tired of his drab, schedule-driven life, Walter escapes into five elaborate day …
James Thurber: Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Walter Mitty is an ordinary man living an ordinary life. But he has dreams – vivid, extraordinary day dreams – in which the life he leads is one of excitement and even adventure, in which he – a wear …
James Thurber: Thurber Carnival
The hilarious writing of James Thurber, author of ‘The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’, collected in this classic anthology.This collection brings together the best of James Thurber’s brilliantly funny, …
James Thurber: Els 13 rellotges
Els 13 rellotges és una faula per a adults i un conte fantàstic per a infants. Escrita amb un estil poètic i cadenciós, farcit de delicioses rimes internes, ens explica la història del duc del Cast …
James Thurber: Thurber Carnival
"An authentic American genius . . . Mr. Thurber belongs in the great lines of American humorists that includes Mark Twain and Ring Lardner." -The Philadelphia Inquirer James Thurber’s uniqu …
James Thurber: Years with Ross
From iconic American humorist James Thurber, a celebrated and poignant memoir about his years at The New Yorker with the magazine’s unforgettable founder and longtime editor, Harold Ross“Extrem …
James Thurber: The Thurber Carnival
I have not actually known Thurber for sixty years, since he was only sixty-two on his last birthday, but the publishers of this volume felt that ‘sixty’ would sound more effective than ‘sixty-two’ in …
James Thurber: My Life and Hard Times
Benvenuto Cellini said that a man should be at least forty years old before he undertakes so fine an enterprise as that of setting down the story of his life. He said also that an autobiographer shou …
James Thurber: Lanterns & Lances
“Don’t you think that things are getting better?” a woman asked me not long ago at a party. “Madam, ” I replied, in my courtly, but slightly edged fashion, “things will take care of themselves. What …
Jordan Tama & James A. Thurber: Rivals for Power
Despite the fact that Republicans control two of the three branches of government following the election of Donald Trump, the relationship between the president and Capitol Hill continues to be strai …