Invited Talks.- Forcing Monotonicity in Parameterized Verification: From Multisets to Words.- Research Issues in the Automated Testing of Ajax Applications.- Essential Performance Drivers in Native XML DBMSs.- Continuous Processing of Preference Queries in Data Streams.- Clock Synchronization: Open Problems in Theory and Practice.- Regret Minimization and Job Scheduling.- Lessons in Software Evolution Learned by Listening to Smalltalk.- The Web of Things: Extending the Web into the Real World.- Web Science: The Digital-Heritage Case.- Model-Driven Software Product Line Testing: An Integrated Approach.- Taming the Complexity of Inductive Logic Programming.- Regular Papers.- A Rule Format for Unit Elements.- Approximability of Edge Matching Puzzles.- A Linear Time Algorithm for Finding Three Edge-Disjoint Paths in Eulerian Networks.- R-Programs: A Framework for Distributing XML Structural Joins across Function Calls.- Fast Arc-Annotated Subsequence Matching in Linear Space.- Automated Deadlock Detection in Synchronized Reentrant Multithreaded Call-Graphs.- A Kernel for Convex Recoloring of Weighted Forests.- Symbolic OBDD-Based Reachability Analysis Needs Exponential Space.- A Social Vision of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning.- Flavors of KWQL, a Keyword Query Language for a Semantic Wiki.- On Pattern Density and Sliding Block Code Behavior for the Besicovitch and Weyl Pseudo-distances.- On a Labeled Vehicle Routing Problem.- Improved Matrix Interpretation.- Efficient Algorithms for Two Extensions of LPF Table: The Power of Suffix Arrays.- Query Optimization through Cached Queries for Object-Oriented Query Language SBQL.- Perfect Matching for Biconnected Cubic Graphs in O(n log2 n) Time.- Destructive Rule-Based Properties and First-Order Logic.- Learning User Preferences for 2CP-Regression for a Recommender System.- Parallel Randomized Load Balancing: A Lower Bound for a More General Model.- Ant-CSP: An Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for the Closest String Problem.- Linear Complementarity Algorithms for Infinite Games.- Mixing Coverability and Reachability to Analyze VASS with One Zero-Test.- Practically Applicable Formal Methods.- Fast and Compact Prefix Codes.- New Results on the Complexity of Oriented Colouring on Restricted Digraph Classes.- Smooth Optimal Decision Strategies for Static Team Optimization Problems and Their Approximations.- Algorithms for the Minimum Edge Cover of H-Subgraphs of a Graph.- On the Complexity of the Highway Pricing Problem.- Accelerating Smart Play-Out.- Optimum Broadcasting in Complete Weighted-Vertex Graphs.- On Contracting Graphs to Fixed Pattern Graphs.- Dynamic Edit Distance Table under a General Weighted Cost Function.- How to Complete an Interactive Configuration Process?.- Design Patterns Instantiation Based on Semantics and Model Transformations.- A Complete Symbolic Bisimulation for Full Applied Pi Calculus.- OTwig: An Optimised Twig Pattern Matching Approach for XML Databases.- Picture Recognizability with Automata Based on Wang Tiles.- Unilateral Orientation of Mixed Graphs.- Maintaining XML Data Integrity in Programs.- Improving Classification Performance with Focus on the Complex Areas.- CD-Systems of Restarting Automata Governed by Explicit Enable and Disable Conditions.- Source Code Rejuvenation Is Not Refactoring.- Empirical Evaluation of Strategies to Detect Logical Change Dependencies.- Efficient Testing of Equivalence of Words in a Free Idempotent Semigroup.- An Amortized Search Tree Analysis for k-Leaf Spanning Tree.- Approximate Structural Consistency.- Comprehensive System for Systematic Case-Driven Software Reuse.- Comparison of Scoring and Order Approach in Description Logic.- Homophily of Neighborhood in Graph Relational Classifier.- Multilanguage Debugger Architecture.- Student Groups Modeling by Integrating Cluster Representation and Association Rules Mining.- Finding and Certifying Loops.- Vertex Ranking with Capacity.