Автор: Japan) Ishizaka Shinya (Kyoto University


2 Електронні книги від Japan) Ishizaka Shinya (Kyoto University

Shinya (Kyoto University, Japan) Ishizaka & Taberez (Jamia Milia Islamia, India) Neyazi: Democratic Transformation and the Vernacular Public Arena in India
Since the structural change in Indian society that began in the 1990s – the result of the liberalisation of the economy, devolution of power, and decentralisation of the government–an unprecedented, …
Shinya (Kyoto University, Japan) Ishizaka & Taberez (Jamia Milia Islamia, India) Neyazi: Democratic Transformation and the Vernacular Public Arena in India
Since the structural change in Indian society that began in the 1990s – the result of the liberalisation of the economy, devolution of power, and decentralisation of the government–an unprecedented, …