The college classroom is inevitably influenced by, and in turn influences, the world around it. In the United States, this means the complex topic of race can come into play in ways that are both explicit and implicit.
Teaching Race in Perilous Times highlights and confronts the challenges of teaching race in the United States—from syllabus development and pedagogical strategies to accreditation and curricular reform. Across fifteen original essays, contributors draw on their experiences teaching in different institutional contexts and adopt various qualitative methods from their home disciplines to offer practical strategies for discussing race and racism with students while also reflecting on broader issues in higher education. Contributors examine how teachers can respond productively to emotionally charged contexts, recognize the roles and pressures that faculty assume as activists in the classroom, focus a timely lens on the shifting racial politics and economics of higher education, and call for a more historically sensitive reading of the pedagogies involved in teaching race. The volume offers a corrective to claims following the 2016 US presidential election that the current moment is unprecedented, highlighting the pivotal role of the classroom in contextualizing and responding to our perilous times.
Jason E. Cohen and Sharon D. Raynor
Part I: Affect and Authority in the Classroom
1. On Native American Erasure in the Classroom
Scott Manning Stevens
2. Multiple Pedagogies Required: Reflections on Teaching Race and Ethnicity in the Intercultural and Intergenerational Classroom
Felicia L. Harris
3. ‘Black Rage’: Teaching Gender, Race, and Class in the Wake of #Black Lives Matter and #Say Her Name
Emerald L. Christopher-Byrd
4. Can the White Boy Speak? Coming to Terms with the Color-Blind Li(n)e
Douglas Eli Julien
Part II: Scholar-Activism: Teaching for Social Justice
5. Technologies of Discrimination: Structural Racism beyond Campus
Jason E. Cohen
6. Teaching from the Tap: Confronting Hegemony and Systemic Oppression through Reflection and Analysis
Kerri-Ann M. Smith and Paul M. Buckley
7. ‘I Never Touch Race’: Teaching Race in Online Spaces with Future Indiana School Leaders
Rachel Roegman and Serena J. Salloum
8. Scaffolding for Justice: Deploying Intersectionality, Black Feminist Thought, and the ‘Outsider Within’ in the Writing about Literature Classroom
Shane A. Mc Coy
Part III: Precarious Institutions, Precarious Appointments
9. Institutionalizing (In)Equality: The Double-Edged Sword of Diversity Requirements
Daniel J. Delgado and Keja Valens
10. ‘Survival Is Not an Academic Skill’: Life behind the Mask
Sharon D. Raynor
11. Reflections from a Precariously Employed Carpetbagger: A Canadian’s Experience Teaching in the South
Stephen W. Sheps
12. Undocumented Learning Outcomes and Cyber Coyotes: Teaching Ethnic Studies in the Online Classroom
Erin Murrah-Mandril
Part IV: Historicizing the Moment, Historicizing the Curriculum
13. A Du Boisian Approach to Making Black Lives Matter in the Classroom (and Beyond)
Derrick R. Brooms and Darryl A. Brice
14. The Racial Oracle Has a History
Mark William Westmoreland
15. The Death of the Black Child
Tasha M. Hawthorne
Afterword: Teaching Race within Criminal Justice
Chyna Crawford
Про автора
Jason E. Cohen Associate Professor of English at Berea College.
Sharon D. Raynor is Dean of the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences, and Professor of English at Elizabeth City State University.
Dwayne A. Mack is Professor of History and Carter G. Woodson Chair in African American History at Berea College.