Infiltrating a band of suspected smugglers is no easy task. It’s even more difficult when you’re a half-orc among humans.
Life as a slave in J’Bel’s gladiatorial arena taught Grendel the harsh rules of battle. Winning his freedom opened his eyes to the possibility of something more from life than a painful, blood-soaked death. In the land of Trakya, Marcus Marchenko, second-in-command of the Kral’s Ochi i Ushi, approaches the half-orc with a job proposition: infiltrate a teamster’s caravan to search for evidence of smuggling and to discover if their activity is tied to the renegade Baron Krakov.
Alexandra Madasgorski-Krakova has a score to settle. The Kral’s men killed her husband and destroyed her home, forcing her to go into hiding and putting her on dangerous ground with her family. With her husband’s allies, she is determined to finish the work that would have put her husband on Trakya’s throne.
As the caravan makes its way east, sickness erupts in Trakya’s capital city. No one can pinpoint the plague’s source, only that it is spreading through the wealthiest parts of Pazard’zhik. Even as he, himself, falls ill, Marcus grows more certain that the caravan and its cargo is somehow to blame. He can only hope that Grendel and his covert team will find the answer in time.
Про автора
Coming from a family of storytellers – traditional, oral storytellers, that is – it’s little wonder that Stormy is driven to weave words as well. She can’t remember a time when she didn’t love books – from the feel and smell of the pages, to the information they hold, to the tales that they tell – but storytelling is a labor of love, which doesn’t always pay the bills. A ridiculous variety of side jobs have supported her writing habit, including waitress, security guard, library minion, salesperson, hairdresser, handyman, engineering drafter, and small business owner.