Approaching the literature in a subject such as electrochemistry can be daunting. Specialist Periodical Reports present comprehensive and critical reviews of the current literature, with contributions from across the globe, providing the reader with an informed digest of the most important research currently carried out in the field. Re-launched in 2012 with a new editorial team (Compton and Wadhawan), this latest volume covers a broad range of topics, all with an emphasis on the nano aspects of electrochemistry. Aside from the applied chapters, contributions have also been submitted which examine eletrochemistry in specific regions; China and India are covered in this volume.
Electrochemistry at Nanoelectrodes; Liquid/Liquid Nanoelectrochemistry; Electrochemistry at Semiconductor Nanostructures; Nanoelectrochemistry in The People’s Republic of China; Electrochemistry within Metal Organic Frameworks; Electrochemical Applications of Nanopore Systems; Electrochemistry of Graphene; Enzyme Electrochemistry at Nanointerfaces; Nanoelectrochemical systems for the detection of metals; Electroanalysis at Nanoparticles; Nanoelectrochemistry in The People’s Republic of China; Nanoelectrochemistry in India
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Professor Compton is a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and Professor of Chemistry at Oxford University. He is also Editor-in-Chief of Electrochemistry Communications, Fellow of the International Society of Electrochemistry. In 2011 Professor Compton was awarded the RSC Sir George Stokes Award.