Jeff Duntemann 
Assembly Language Step-by-Step [PDF ebook] 
Programming with Linux


The eagerly anticipated new edition of the bestselling introduction to x86 assembly language

The long-awaited third edition of this bestselling introduction to assembly language has been completely rewritten to focus on 32-bit protected-mode Linux and the free NASM assembler. Assembly is the fundamental language bridging human ideas and the pure silicon hearts of computers, and popular author Jeff Dunteman retains his distinctive lighthearted style as he presents a step-by-step approach to this difficult technical discipline.

He starts at the very beginning, explaining the basic ideas of programmable computing, the binary and hexadecimal number systems, the Intel x86 computer architecture, and the process of software development under Linux. From that foundation he systematically treats the x86 instruction set, memory addressing, procedures, macros, and interface to the C-language code libraries upon which Linux itself is built.

  • Serves as an ideal introduction to x86 computing concepts, as demonstrated by the only language directly understood by the CPU itself

  • Uses an approachable, conversational style that assumes no prior experience in programming of any kind

  • Presents x86 architecture and assembly concepts through a cumulative tutorial approach that is ideal for self-paced instruction

  • Focuses entirely on free, open-source software, including Ubuntu Linux, the NASM assembler, the Kate editor, and the Gdb/Insight debugger

  • Includes an x86 instruction set reference for the most common machine instructions, specifically tailored for use by programming beginners

  • Woven into the presentation are plenty of assembly code examples, plus practical tips on software design, coding, testing, and debugging, all using free, open-source software that may be downloaded without charge from the Internet.

методи оплати


Introduction: ‘‘Why Would You Want to Do That?’’ xxvii

Chapter 1 Another Pleasant Valley Saturday 1

It’s All in the Plan 1

Steps and Tests 2

More Than Two Ways? 3

Computers Think Like Us 4

Had This Been the Real Thing 4

Do Not Pass Go 5

The Game of Big Bux 6

Playing Big Bux 8

Assembly Language Programming As a Board Game 9

Code and Data 10

Addresses 11

Metaphor Check! 12

Chapter 2 Alien Bases 15

The Return of the New Math Monster 15

Counting in Martian 16

Dissecting a Martian Number 18

The Essence of a Number Base 20

Octal: How the Grinch Stole Eight and Nine 20

Who Stole Eight and Nine? 21

Hexadecimal: Solving the Digit Shortage 24

From Hex to Decimal and from Decimal to Hex 28

From Hex to Decimal 28

From Decimal to Hex 29

Practice. Practice! PRACTICE! 31

Arithmetic in Hex 32

Columns and Carries 35

Subtraction and Borrows 35

Borrows across Multiple Columns 37

What’s the Point? 38

Binary 38

Values in Binary 40

Why Binary? 42

Hexadecimal As Shorthand for Binary 43

Prepare to Compute 44

Chapter 3 Lifting the Hood 45

RAXie, We Hardly Knew Ye 45

Gus to the Rescue 46

Switches, Transistors, and Memory 47

One If by Land 48

Transistor Switches 48

The Incredible Shrinking Bit 50

Random Access 52

Memory Access Time 53

Bytes, Words, Double Words, and Quad Words 54

Pretty Chips All in a Row 55

The Shop Foreman and the Assembly Line 57

Talking to Memory 58

Riding the Data Bus 59

The Foreman’s Pockets 60

The Assembly Line 61

The Box That Follows a Plan 61

Fetch and Execute 63

The Foreman’s Innards 64

Changing Course 65

What vs. How: Architecture and Microarchitecture 66

Evolving Architectures 67

The Secret Machinery in the Basement 68

Enter the Plant Manager 70

Operating Systems: The Corner Office 70

BIOS: Software, Just Not as Soft 71

Multitasking Magic 71

Promotion to Kernel 73

The Core Explosion 73

The Plan 74

Chapter 4 Location, Location, Location 77

The Joy of Memory Models 77

16 Bits’ll Buy You 64K 79

The Nature of a Megabyte 82

Backward Compatibility and Virtual 86 Mode 83

16-Bit Blinders 83

The Nature of Segments 85

A Horizon, Not a Place 88

Making 20-Bit Addresses out of 16-Bit Registers 88

16-Bit and 32-Bit Registers 90

General-Purpose Registers 91

Register Halves 93

The Instruction Pointer 95

The Flags Register 96

The Three Major Assembly Programming Models 96

Real Mode Flat Model 97

Real Mode Segmented Model 99

Protected Mode Flat Model 101

What Protected Mode Won’t Let Us Do Anymore 104

Memory-Mapped Video 104

Direct Access to Port Hardware 105

Direct Calls into the BIOS 106

Looking Ahead: 64-Bit ‘‘Long Mode’’ 106

64-Bit Memory: What May Be Possible Someday vs. What We Can Do Now 107

Chapter 5 The Right to Assemble 109

Files and What’s Inside Them 110

Binary Files vs. Text Files 111

Looking at File Internals with the Bless Editor 112

Interpreting Raw Data 116

‘‘Endianness’’ 117

Text In, Code Out 121

Assembly Language 121

Comments 124

Beware ‘‘Write-Only’’ Source Code! 124

Object Code and Linkers 125

Relocatability 128

The Assembly Language Development Process 128

The Discipline of Working Directories 129

Editing the Source Code File 131

Assembling the Source Code File 131

Assembler Errors 132

Back to the Editor 133

Assembler Warnings 134

Linking the Object Code File 135

Linker Errors 136

Testing the .EXE File 136

Errors versus Bugs 137

Are We There Yet? 138

Debuggers and Debugging 138

Taking a Trip Down Assembly Lane 139

Installing the Software 139

Step 1: Edit the Program in an Editor 142

Step 2: Assemble the Program with NASM 143

Step 3: Link the Program with LD 146

Step 4: Test the Executable File 147

Step 5: Watch It Run in the Debugger 147

Ready to Get Serious? 153

Chapter 6 A Place to Stand, with Access to Tools 155

The Kate Editor 157

Installing Kate 157

Launching Kate 158

Configuration 160

Kate Sessions 162

Creating a New Session 162

Opening an Existing Session 163

Deleting or Renaming Sessions 163

Kate’s File Management 164

Filesystem Browser Navigation 165

Adding a File to the Current Session 165

Dropping a File from the Current Session 166

Switching Between Session Files in the Editor 166

Creating a Brand-New File 166

Creating a Brand-New Folder on Disk 166

Deleting a File from Disk (Move File to Trash) 166

Reloading a File from Disk 167

Saving All Unsaved Changes in Session Files 167

Printing the File in the Editor Window 167

Exporting a File As HTML 167

Adding Items to the Toolbar 167

Kate’s Editing Controls 168

Cursor Movement 169

Bookmarks 169

Selecting Text 170

Searching the Text 171

Using Search and Replace 172

Using Kate While Programming 172

Creating and Using Project Directories 173

Focus! 175

Linux and Terminals 176

The Linux Console 176

Character Encoding in Konsole 177

The Three Standard Unix Files 178

I/O Redirection 180

Simple Text Filters 182

Terminal Control with Escape Sequences 183

So Why Not GUI Apps? 185

Using Linux Make 186

Dependencies 187

When a File Is Up to Date 189

Chains of Dependencies 189

Invoking Make from Inside Kate 191

Using Touch to Force a Build 193

The Insight Debugger 194

Running Insight 195

Insight’s Many Windows 195

A Quick Insight Run-Through 197

Pick Up Your Tools 200

Chapter 7 Following Your Instructions 201

Build Yourself a Sandbox 201

A Minimal NASM Program 202

Instructions and Their Operands 204

Source and Destination Operands 204

Immediate Data 205

Register Data 207

Memory Data 209

Confusing Data and Its Address 210

The Size of Memory Data 211

The Bad Old Days 211

Rally Round the Flags, Boys! 212

Flag Etiquette 215

Adding and Subtracting One with INC and DEC 215

Watching Flags from Insight 216

How Flags Change Program Execution 218

Signed and Unsigned Values 221

Two’s Complement and NEG 221

Sign Extension and MOVSX 224

Implicit Operands and MUL 225

MUL and the Carry Flag 227

Unsigned Division with div 228

The x86 Slowpokes 229

Reading and Using an Assembly Language Reference 230

Memory Joggers for Complex Memories 230

An Assembly Language Reference for Beginners 231

Flags 232

NEG: Negate (Two’s Complement; i.e., Multiply by -1) 233

Flags affected 233

Legal forms 233

Examples 233

Notes 233

Legal Forms 234

Operand Symbols 234

Examples 235

Notes 235

What’s Not Here 235

Chapter 8 Our Object All Sublime 237

The Bones of an Assembly Language Program 237

The Initial Comment Block 239

The .data Section 240

The .bss Section 240

The .text Section 241

Labels 241

Variables for Initialized Data 242

String Variables 242

Deriving String Length with EQU and $ 244

Last In, First Out via the Stack 246

Five Hundred Plates per Hour 246

Stacking Things Upside Down 248

Push-y Instructions 249

POP Goes the Opcode 251

Storage for the Short Term 253

Using Linux Kernel Services Through INT 80 254

An Interrupt That Doesn’t Interrupt Anything 254

Getting Home Again 259

Exiting a Program via INT 80h 260

Software Interrupts versus Hardware Interrupts 261

INT 80h and the Portability Fetish 262

Designing a Non-Trivial Program 264

Defining the Problem 264

Starting with Pseudo-code 265

Successive Refinement 266

Those Inevitable ‘‘Whoops!’’ Moments 270

Scanning a Buffer 271

‘‘Off By One’’ Errors 273

Going Further 277

Chapter 9 Bits, Flags, Branches, and Tables 279

Bits Is Bits (and Bytes Is Bits) 279

Bit Numbering 280

‘‘It’s the Logical Thing to Do, Jim ’’ 280

The AND Instruction 281

Masking Out Bits 282

The OR Instruction 283

The XOR Instruction 284

The NOT Instruction 285

Segment Registers Don’t Respond to Logic! 285

Shifting Bits 286

Shift By What? 286

How Bit Shifting Works 287

Bumping Bits into the Carry Flag 287

The Rotate Instructions 288

Setting a Known Value into the Carry Flag 289

Bit-Bashing in Action 289

Splitting a Byte into Two Nybbles 292

Shifting the High Nybble into the Low Nybble 293

Using a Lookup Table 293

Multiplying by Shifting and Adding 295

Flags, Tests, and Branches 298

Unconditional Jumps 298

Conditional Jumps 299

Jumping on the Absence of a Condition 300

Flags 301

Comparisons with CMP 301

A Jungle of Jump Instructions 302

‘‘Greater Than‘‘ Versus ’’Above’’ 303

Looking for 1-Bits with TEST 304

Looking for 0 Bits with BT 306

Protected Mode Memory Addressing in Detail 307

Effective Address Calculations 308

Displacements 309

Base + Displacement Addressing 310

Base + Index Addressing 310

Index × Scale + Displacement Addressing 312

Other Addressing Schemes 313

LEA: The Top-Secret Math Machine 315

The Burden of 16-Bit Registers 317

Character Table Translation 318

Translation Tables 318

Translating with MOV or XLAT 320

Tables Instead of Calculations 325

Chapter 10 Dividing and Conquering 327

Boxes within Boxes 328

Procedures As Boxes for Code 329

Calling and Returning 336

Calls within Calls 338

The Dangers of Accidental Recursion 340

A Flag Etiquette Bug to Beware Of 341

Procedures and the Data They Need 342

Saving the Caller’s Registers 343

Local Data 346

More Table Tricks 347

Placing Constant Data in Procedure Definitions 349

Local Labels and the Lengths of Jumps 350

’’Forcing’’ Local Label Access 353

Short, Near, and Far Jumps 354

Building External Procedure Libraries 355

Global and External Declarations 356

The Mechanics of Globals and Externals 357

Linking Libraries into Your Programs 365

The Dangers of Too Many Procedures and Too Many Libraries 366

The Art of Crafting Procedures 367

Maintainability and Reuse 367

Deciding What Should Be a Procedure 368

Use Comment Headers! 370

Simple Cursor Control in the Linux Console 371

Console Control Cautions 377

Creating and Using Macros 378

The Mechanics of Macro Definition 379

Defining Macros with Parameters 385

The Mechanics of Invoking Macros 386

Local Labels Within Macros 387

Macro Libraries As Include Files 388

Macros versus Procedures: Pros and Cons 389

Chapter 11 Strings and Things 393

The Notion of an Assembly Language String 393

Turning Your ‘‘String Sense’’ Inside-Out 394

Source Strings and Destination Strings 395

A Text Display Virtual Screen 395

REP STOSB, the Software Machine Gun 402

Machine-Gunning the Virtual Display 403

Executing the STOSB Instruction 404

STOSB and the Direction Flag (DF) 405

Defining Lines in the Display Buffer 406

Sending the Buffer to the Linux Console 406

The Semiautomatic Weapon: STOSB without REP 407

Who Decrements ECX? 407

The LOOP Instructions 408

Displaying a Ruler on the Screen 409

MUL Is Not IMUL 410

Adding ASCII Digits 411

Adjusting AAA’s Adjustments 413

Ruler’s Lessons 414

16-bit and 32-bit Versions of STOS 414

MOVSB: Fast Block Copies 414

DF and Overlapping Block Moves 416

Single-Stepping REP String Instructions with Insight 418

Storing Data to Discontinuous Strings 419

Displaying an ASCII Table 419

Nested Instruction Loops 420

Jumping When ECX Goes to 0 421

Closing the Inner Loop 421

Closing the Outer Loop 422

Showchar Recap 423

Command-Line Arguments and Examining the Stack 424

Virtual Memory in Two Chunks 424

Anatomy of the Linux Stack 427

Why Stack Addresses Aren’t Predictable 429

Setting Command-Line Arguments with Insight 429

Examining the Stack with Insight’s Memory View 430

String Searches with SCASB 432

REPNE vs. REPE 435

Pop the Stack or Address It? 436

For Extra Credit 438

Chapter 12 Heading Out to c 439

What’s GNU? 440

The Swiss Army Compiler 441

Building Code the GNU Way 441

How to Use gcc in Assembly Work 443

Why Not gas? 444

Linking to the Standard C Library 445

c calling conventions 446

A Framework to Build On 447

Saving and Restoring Registers 447

Setting Up a Stack Frame 448

Destroying a Stack Frame 450

Characters Out via puts() 451

Formatted Text Outputwithprintf() 452

Passing Parameters to printf() 454

Data In with fgets() and scanf() 456

Using scanf() for Entry of Numeric Values 458

Be a Time Lord 462

The C Library’s Time Machine 462

Fetching time_t Values from the System Clock 464

Converting a time_t Value to a Formatted String 464

Generating Separate Local Time Values 465

Making a Copy of glibc’s tm Struct with MOVSD 466

Understanding AT&T Instruction Mnemonics 470

AT&T Mnemonic Conventions 470

Examining gas Source Files Created by gcc 471

AT&T Memory Reference Syntax 474

Generating Random Numbers 475

Seeding the Generator with srand() 476

Generating Pseudorandom Numbers 477

Some Bits Are More Random Than Others 482

Calls to Addresses in Registers 483

How C Sees Command-Line Arguments 484

Simple File I/O 487

Converting Strings into Numbers with sscanf() 487

Creating and Opening Files 489

Reading Text from Files with fgets() 490

Writing Text to Files with fprintf() 493

Notes on Gathering Your Procedures into Libraries 494

Conclusion: Not the End, But Only the Beginning 503

Where to Now? 504

Stepping off Square One 506

Appendix A Partial x86 Instruction Set Reference 507

Notesonthe Instruction Set Reference 510

AAA: Adjust AL after BCD Addition 512

ADC: Arithmetic Addition with Carry 513

ADD: Arithmetic Addition 515

AND: Logical AND 517

BT: Bit Test 519

CALL: Call Procedure 521

CLC: Clear Carry Flag (CF) 523

CLD: Clear Direction Flag (DF) 524

CMP: Arithmetic Comparison 525

DEC: Decrement Operand 527

DIV: Unsigned Integer Division 528

INC: Increment Operand 529

INT: Software Interrupt 530

IRET: Return from Interrupt 531

J?: Jump on Condition 532

JCXZ: Jump If CX= 0 534

JECXZ: Jump If ECX= 0 535

JMP: Unconditional Jump 536

LEA: Load Effective Address 537

LOOP: Loop until CX/ECX= 0 538

LOOPNZ/LOOPNE: Loop While CX/ECX > 0and ZF=0 540

LOOPZ/LOOPE: Loop While CX/ECX > 0and ZF=1 541

MOV: Move (Copy) Right Operand into Left Operand 542

MOVS: Move String 544

MOVSX: Move (Copy) with Sign Extension 546

MUL: Unsigned Integer Multiplication 547

NEG: Negate (Two’s Complement; i.e., Multiply by -1) 549

NOP: No Operation 550

NOT: Logical NOT (One’s Complement) 551

OR: Logical OR 552

POP: Pop Top of Stack into Operand 554

POPA/POPAD: Pop All GP Registers 555

POPF: Pop Top of Stack into 16-Bit Flags 556

POPFD: Pop Top of Stack into EFlags 557

PUSH: Push Operand onto Top of Stack 558

PUSHA: Push All 16-Bit GP Registers 559

PUSHAD: Push All 32-Bit GP Registers 560

PUSHF: Push 16-Bit Flags onto Stack 561

PUSHFD: Push 32-Bit EFlags onto Stack 562

RET: Return from Procedure 563

ROL: Rotate Left 564

ROR: Rotate Right 566

SBB: Arithmetic Subtraction with Borrow 568

SHL: Shift Left 570

SHR: Shift Right 572

STC: Set Carry Flag (CF) 574

STD: Set Direction Flag (DF) 575

STOS: Store String 576

SUB: Arithmetic Subtraction 577

XCHG: Exchange Operands 579

XLAT: Translate Byte via Table 580

XOR: Exclusive Or 581

Appendix B Character Set Charts 583

Index 587

Про автора

Jeff Duntemann has been writing about computing for over thirty years, and is the author of numerous books on programming, wireless networking, and system administration. He has been a columnist in Dr. Dobb’s Journal, and has edited well-known programming publications like PC Techniques and Visual Developer. After hours, he enjoys blogging, astronomy, amateur radio, and writing science fiction.

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