Camilla the Tail-Wagging Tutor follows the adventures of Camilla, an adorable dog with a special talent-helping children read. After passing her test to become a reading tutor, Camilla must put her teaching skills to the test when Jennifer, Camilla’s best friend and owner, brings Camilla to the local school for her first day as a tutor.
Through her encouragement and patience, Camilla helps young readers gain confidence in their reading abilities and fall in love with storytelling. Join Camilla as she embarks on a journey filled with friendship, kindness, stories, and of course, lots of tail-wagging in Camilla the Tail-Wagging Tutor.
Про автора
I grew up loving animals as a young girl in Wisconsin. I have been an entrepreneur, operating my own Mary Kay business since 2005. As a working human and dog mom, I was inspired by my furry BFF, Camilla, to write my first children’s book. The star of this book, Camilla, was adopted by me just before the age of one after a rough road at the local humane society and foster homes. Camilla was very shy and was nervous around people. After having lots of positive experiences with people and other dogs, Camilla grew into the kind, confident, sweet soul that she is. Camilla and I visit schools as part of Therapy Dogs International’s Tail Waggin’ Tutors program. During our visits to school, children read books to Camilla, who politely listens and never interrupts. It has been exceptionally rewarding. One of my favorite experiences was when a young girl skipped several pages while reading a book because the story included a bear, and the girl was worried Camilla would be scared. It was precious! While I lived in North Carolina and Virginia, I still call Wisconsin my home. I live in the small town of Cleveland, Wisconsin, with my husband, child, Camilla, and two other furbaby dogs, Chet and Levi.