Raymond Williams was a complex figure with various different facets to his activity. Raymond Williams: Cultural Analyst concentrates on the formation and application of his cultural-materialist methodology and its relation to his politics. Surveying Williams’s extensive writings across the fields of cultural studies, sociology and Marxist theory, the overall objective is to rescue Williams from his routine treatment as a literary scholar, and restore him to his rightful place as a leading scholar of the social sciences, not least for his theoretically sophisticated contribution to the field in the form of cultural materialism. Ultimately, this book argues that Williams should be regarded as a cultural analyst in the sociological rather than narrowly literary sense.
The book is replete with examples of Williams’s ideas and concepts that are of direct and illuminating relevance to twenty-first century problems. Throughout, Jim Mc Guigan displays a remarkable capacity to explain Williams’s sometimes complex ideas in an inviting and intuitively appealing way, making interesting connections across key concepts. For those familiar with Williams’s work, this new book will come as a breath of fresh air, and for readers coming across Williams for the first time, this offers an inspiring and vivid introduction to his work.
Introduction: Raymond Williams in time and place
Chapter 1: Culture and society
Against cultural conservatism
Debating society
Cultural analysis
Chapter 2: Communication(s) and culture
Communications as cultural science
Advertising magic
Alternative communication systems
Towards a common culture
Chapter 3: The materialist conception of culture
The question of Marxism
Modelling hegemony
Materiality of the sign
Cultural production and circulation
Chapter 4: Drama in a screen age
Dramatic form
Politics of television drama
Knowable community
Chapter 5: Techno times
Watching TV
Media determinism and its determination
Mobile privatization
Chapter 6: The long revolution
New Left
Three revolutions
May Day Manifesto
Chapter 7: A short counter-revolution
Fate of ‘the long revolution’
Plan X
Socialism and the working class
Resources of hope
Chapter 8: Public intellectual
‘Our best man’
‘Welsh European’
Settling accounts with cultural studies
Green socialism versus ‘New Times’
Afterword: Contemporary cultural studies
Про автора
Jim Mc Guigan is professor emeritus of cultural analysis at Loughborough University and the author of several books, including, most recently, Cool Capitalism, Cultural Analysis, and Neoliberal Culture.