Автор: Jodi Gold

Susan Villari, MPH, is director of health education at the University of Pennsylvania. Since 1989, she has organized student educators and activists including STAAR, Students Together Against Acquaintance Rape which hosted the 1st National Student Conference on Campus Sexual Violence, of which Jodi Gold was the student coordinator. Jodi Gold has spoken at universities and conferences across the continent on student activism and campus sexual violence. She is currently a medical student at the University of Tennessee. Susan and Jodi are also founding members of Speak Out: The North American Student Coalition Against Sexual Violence.

3 Електронні книги від Jodi Gold

Jodi Gold & Susan Villari: Just Sex
Armed with three decades of feminism, men and women are coming to college with different ideas and expectations about sexual freedom and violence than did their parents. Since the early 1980’s, a stu …
Jodi Gold: Părinte în era digitală. Învață-ți copilul cum să folosească adecvat rețelele sociale și aparatele digitale
La ce vârstă pot să-i dăruiesc celui mic o tabletă? Peste câți ani va avea nevoie de un telefon mobil? Jocurile video îl agită și-l fac oare ‘dependent’ pe băiatul meu? Ce fel de fotografii poate afi …
Jodi Gold: Screen-Smart Parenting
As a practicing child psychiatrist and mother of three, Jodi Gold has a unique understanding of both the mind-boggling benefits and the serious downsides of technology. Dr. Gold weaves together scien …