I have always been inspired by Albert Einstein’s quotation that ‘the fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science. He who knows it not and can no longer wonder, no longer feel amazement, is as good as dead, a snuffed-out candle.’
Whilst this quotation challenges the scientist, the artist and the spiritualist, it also has implications for all of us – to accept and embrace the ‘mysterious’ aspects of life – whilst continuing our unending quest for answers.
Science seeks answers to all unresolved questions – including its cosmological search for the ‘Holy Grail’ or in Stephen Hawking’s words, the ‘Theory of Everything’. However, as science moves closer to the ultimate truth, even more questions and challenges emerge, with quantum physics being one prime example.
The question is then posed – can science now join forces with spirituality and religion to better understand and experience Einstein’s prime emotion?
My response in this book is to highlight recurrent themes from a number of eminent authors in an endeavour to seek answers, albeit insufficient, to such questions. These authors range from brain scientists, to cosmologists, to spiritual leaders, to philosophers, to artists, to theologians, to historians, to sceptics. In excess of 160 references from a range of different genres have been accessed.
What are some of the topics? What is God; What is the nature of consciousness, soul and spirit; Are we all connected – to each other and to the natural world; Can we confirm the suggestion that we are all co-creators of the cosmos? Most importantly, how can we unveil our ‘pure essence’ which is shared by all on this planet.
Finally, what are the implications of these mainly empirically based findings on religion, using Christianity as a case study. Could we say that we are witnessing the green shoots of the Next Reformation of the Christian Church, totally different in nature from the first, 500 years ago.
I trust that my book provides a useful contribution to a greater understanding of Einstein’s fundamental notion of the ‘mysterious’ or unresolved questions in life, and how we can fully embrace the enchantment of this mystery. Most importantly, it aims to support the breaking down of the barriers that separate people, communities and nations. After all, we all have a responsibility for the stewardship of this precious Earth!
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John Humphreys’ life experiences have inexorably led him to the writing of this book, which blends together his career in science, technology and innovation, his personal spiritual journey; his interest in research and his love of literature. It also reconciles his earlier, more conservative, religious teachings with more contemporary understandings of traditional teachings. John is in an unenviable position to attempt this challenging treatise, having assumed leadership positions most of his life. Early examples include President of (i) a local Presbyterian Fellowship Association;(ii) a combined churches cricket club; (iii) the Australian Cricket Society (Qld) and (iv) Captain of two cricket teams.His interest in radio-astronomy and the cosmos was stimulated by his Chairing, over 8 years, of the Australasian Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Industry Consortium, which supported the Australian Government in the international development of the next generation of radio-astronomy systems. This was a high-level group comprising over 20 multinationals, Federal and State Governments, as well as the national research community. International activities encompassed in this role included:•Australian representative of the Engineering Organising Committee for the International SKA Forum 2011 (Banff, Canada)•Member of the COST (European Union) Steering Committee to evaluate non-science benefits from the SKA•Australian representative to develop bilateral industry relationships under an Australian-Italy (government) MOU relating to SKAHe was also involved in the Chairing of an Intelligent Transport Systems group involving government, industry and universities and, through his former company, Global Innovation Centre, conducting a range of leading edge studies in areas such as driverless vehicles, photonics and leading-edge communications. The company was a knowledge-based organization focused on the development of emerging industries and operated successfully for 25 years.During his performance of the above inter-disciplinary and multi-dimensional roles, he gained an in- depth understanding of a broad range of strategic issues impacting on Australia’s innovative capacity. John’s career was characterized by the bringing together of a wide range of public and private sector organizations in collaborative ventures.His emphasis on ‘we are all one’ regardless of nationality or ideology, which is one of the book’s themes, is drawn from the above life experiences, as is the need to continue to question traditional ‘immutable’ truths.