God is pissed. In the beginning, God created heaven, earth, and all the animals. They were part of a grand and perfect design. It worked well, and God was pleased. Then one of the animals, man, started altering the design, irritating God.
God gave man, unlike the other animals, a little cleverness, which has caused him to jump the tracks. Using this cleverness, man has conceived, created, and implemented incredible unnatural and convoluted ideas, constructs, and systems. These entities are upsetting God’s patterns of nature. Man is now doing things God never intended. This has not only made God’s plans go haywire but also threatens man himself.
God is in high dudgeon because man’s imagination is debauching his perfect world. To make matters worse, man audaciously blames God for a world gone crazy. God has patiently endured man’s accusations but now intends to set him straight on the true nature of things and explain how he has screwed things up.
This is God’s lecture, and if man has any inkling of what is good for him, he will listen.
Про автора
John L. Bowman received a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1973 from Whitman College in Walla Walla, Washington, and a degree in philosophy from Portland State University in Portland, Oregon in 1993.