Ensure that your institutional policy and practice are guided by empirical research and scholarship rather than by mere common sense, trial and error, or a ‘shoot from the hip’ basis for institutional action.
The two primary goals of a scholarship of practice are:
1. improving administrative practice in higher education, and
2. developing a knowledge base to guide such practice.
To attain these goals, campuses must use the findings of empirical research as the basis for developing institutional policy and practice. The result? Improved administrative practice in higher education, both at a campus level and for higher education as a social institution.
This is the 178th volume of the Jossey-Bass quarterly report series New Directions for Higher Education. Addressed to presidents, vice presidents, deans, and other higher education decision makers on all kinds of campuses, it provides timely information and authoritative advice about major issues and administrative problems confronting every institution.
John M. Braxton
Part I. The Development of Knowledge Bases for Practice
1. Contributions to Types of Professional Knowledge by Higher Education Journals 9
Jenna W. Kramer, John M. Braxton
2. The Scholarship of Practice in Applied Disciplines 21
Dawn Lyken-Segosebe
Part II. The Uses of Research Findings to Guide Practice
3. Models for Applying Scholarship to Practice 35
Maureen E. Wilson, Amy S. Hirschy
4. The Use of Student Engagement Findings as a Case of Evidence-Based Practice 47
Jillian Kinzie
5. Constructing a Prototype: Realizing a Scholarship of Practice in General Education 57
Cynthia A. Wells
Part III. Graduate Preparation and the Scholarship of Practice as Stewardship
6. The Scholars We Need: Preparing Dynamic Transdisciplinary Professionals by Leveraging the Scholarship of Practice 71
Melissa Mc Daniels, Erik Skogsberg
7. Student Affairs and the Scholarship of Practice 85
Amy S. Hirschy, Maureen E. Wilson
8. The Scholarship of Practice and Stewardship of Higher Education 95
John M. Braxton, Todd C. Ream
Про автора
John M. Braxton is professor of education in the Higher Education Leadership and Policy Program at Peabody College of Vanderbilt University.