John Searancke is restaurant reviewer for the Canary Islands newspaper Island Connections. He has been a hotel and restaurant owner, director and chairman of a marketing consortium. He lives with his wife Sally in northern Tenerife. This is his second book; Dog Days In The Fortunate Islands (Matador, 2014) was his first.
2 Електронні книги від John Searancke
John Searancke: Dog Days In The Fortunate Islands
On the brink of retirement, John and his wife Sally are determined to end a life at the grindstone in grimy and wet Lancashire. Together with their beloved Jack Russell/Staffie cross, Freddie, a resc …
John Searancke: Reluctant Hotelkeeper
A rescue mission originally thought of as lasting for a year or two turned into a 35 year lifetime love affair with a beautiful old building.There were to be battles royal with neighbours not wanting …