Whether studying chemistry as part of a degree requirement or aspart of a core curriculum, students will find Chemistry Essentials For Dummies to be an invaluable quick referenceguide to the fundamentals of this often challenging course.Chemistry Essentials For Dummies contains content focused onkey topics only, with discrete explanations of critical conceptstaught in a typical two-semester high school chemistry class or acollege level Chemistry I course, from bonds and reactions toacids, bases, and the mole. This guide is also a perfect referencefor parents who need to review critical chemistry concepts as theyhelp high school students with homework assignments, as well as foradult learners headed back into the classroom who just need to arefresher of the core concepts.
The Essentials For Dummies Series
Dummies is proud to present our new series, The Essentials For Dummies. Now students who are prepping for exams, preparing tostudy new material, or who just need a refresher can have aconcise, easy-to-understand review guide that covers an entirecourse by concentrating solely on the most important concepts. Fromalgebra and chemistry to grammar and Spanish, our expert authorsfocus on the skills students most need to succeed in a subject.
Introduction 1
Chapter 1: Matter and Energy: Exploring the Stuff of Chemistry5
Chapter 2: What’s In an Atom? 17
Chapter 3: The Periodic Table 35
Chapter 4: Nuclear Chemistry 43
Chapter 5: Ionic Bonding 55
Chapter 6: Covalent Bonding 69
Chapter 7: Chemical Reactions 87
Chapter 8: Electrochemistry: Using Electrons 111
Chapter 9: Measuring Substances with the Mole 125
Chapter 10: A Salute to Solutions 135
Chapter 11: Acids and Bases 145
Chapter 12: Clearing the Air on Gases 159
Chapter 13: Ten Serendipitous Discoveries in Chemistry 171
Index 175
Про автора
John T. Moore, Ed D, is Regents Professor of Chemistry at Stephen F. Austin State University. He is the author of Chemistry For Dummies and coauthor of Biochemistry For Dummies.