Having Excel and just using it for standard spreadsheets is alittle like getting the ultimate cable system and a 50′ flatpanel plasma HDTV and using it exclusively to watch Lawrence Welkreruns. With Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming, youcan take advantage of numerous Excel options such as: creating newworksheet functions; automating tasks and operations; creating newappearances, toolbars, and menus; designing custom dialog boxes andadd-ins; and much more.
This guide is not for rank Excel amateurs. It’s forintermediate to advanced Excel users who want to learn VBAprogramming (or whose bosses want them to learn VBA programming).You need to know your way around Excel before you start creatingcustomized short cuts or systems for speeding through Excelfunctions. If you’re an intermediate or advanced Excel user, Excel VBA For Dummies helps you take your skills (and yourspreadsheets) to the next level. It includes:
* An introduction to the VBA language
* A hands-on, guided, step-by-step walk through developing auseful VBA macro, including recording, testing, and changing it, and testing it
* The essential foundation, including the Visual Basic Editor(VBE) and its components, modules, Excel object model, subroutinesand functions, and the Excel macro recorder
* The essential VBA language elements, including comments, variables and constants, and labels
* Working with Range objects and discovering useful Rangeobjective properties and methods
* Using VBA and worksheet functions, including a list andexamples
* Programming constructions, including the Go To statement, the If-Then structure, Select Case, For-Next loop, Do-While loop, and Do-Until loop
* Automatic procedures and Workbook events, including a table andevent-handler procedures
* Error-handling and bug extermination techniques, and using the Excel debugging tools
* Creating custom dialog boxes, also known as User Forms, with atable of the toolbox controls and their capabilities, how-to forthe dialog box controls, and User Form techniques and tricks
* Customizing the Excel toolbars
* Using VBA code to modify the Excel menu system
* Creating worksheet functions and working with various types ofarguments
* Creating Excel add-ins such as new worksheet functions you canuse in formulas or new commands or utilities
Author John Walkenbach is a leading authority on spreadsheetsoftware and the author of more than 40 spreadsheet books including Excel 2003 Bible and Excel 2003 Power Programming with VBA. While this guide includes tons of examples andscreenshots, Walkenbach knows there’s no substitute forhands-on learning. The book is complete with:
* A dedicated companion Web site that includes bonus chaptersplus all sample programs to save you a lot of typing and let youplay around and experiment with various changes
* Information to help you make the most of Excel’s built-in Help system so you can find out other stuff you may need toknow
What are you waiting for? Sure, learning to do VBA programmingtakes a little effort, but it’s a Very Big Accomplishment.
Part I: Introducing VBA.
Chapter 1: What Is VBA?
Chapter 2: Jumping Right In.
Part II: How VBA Works with Excel.
Chapter 3: Introducing the Visual Basic Editor.
Chapter 4: Introducing the Excel Object Model.
Chapter 5: VBA Sub and Function Procedures.
Chapter 6: Using the Excel Macro Recorder.
Part III: Programming Concepts.
Chapter 7: Essential VBA Language Elements.
Chapter 8: Working with Range Objects.
Chapter 9: Using VBA and Worksheet Functions.
Chapter 10: Controlling Program Flow and Making Decisions.
Chapter 11: Automatic Procedures and Events.
Chapter 12: Error-Handling Techniques.
Chapter 13: Bug Extermination Techniques.
Chapter 14: VBA Programming Examples.
Part IV: Developing Custom Dialog Boxes.
Chapter 15: Custom Dialog Box Alternatives.
Chapter 16: Custom Dialog Box Basics.
Chapter 17: Using Dialog Box Controls.
Chapter 18: User Form Techniques and Tricks.
Part V: Creating Custom Toolbars and Menus.
Chapter 19: Customizing the Excel Toolbars.
Chapter 20: When the Normal Excel Menus Aren’t Good Enough.
Part VI: Putting It All Together.
Chapter 21: Creating Worksheet Functions — and Living to Tell about It.
Chapter 22: Creating Excel Add-Ins.
Chapter 23: Interacting with Other Office Applications.
Part VII: The Part of Tens.
Chapter 24: Ten VBA Questions (And Answers).
Chapter 25: (Almost) Ten Excel Resources.
Про автора
John Walkenbach is principal of J-Walk and Associates, Inc., a leading Excel expert, and proprietor of the popular spreadsheet page at www.j-walk.com. He has written more than 30 books on Excel.