This series aims at bridging the gap between historical theory and the study of historical memory as well as western and non-western concepts, for which this volume offers a particularly good example. It explores cultural differences in conceptualizing time and history in countries such as China, Japan, and India as well as pre-modern societies.
Preface to the Series
Jörn Rüsen
Jörn Rüsen
Chapter 1. Making Sense of Time: Toward a Universal Typology of Conceptual Foundations of Historical Consciousness
Jörn Rüsen
Chapter 2. Concepts of Time in Traditional Cultures
Klaus E. Müller
Chapter 3. Time, Ritual, and Rhythm in Dimodonko
Fritz W. Kramer
Chapter 4. Time Concepts in China
Achim Mittag
Chapter 5. Aspects of Zeitdenken in the Inscriptions in Premodern India
Georg Berkemer
Chapter 6. Interpretations of Time in Islam
Otfried Weintritt
Chapter 7. Constructions of Time in the Literature of Modernity
Harro Müller
Chapter 8. History, Culture, and the Quest for Organism
Aziz Al-Azmeh
Chapter 9. Competing Visions of History in Internal Islamic Discourse and Islamic-Western Dialogue
Abdullahi A. An-Na’im
Chapter 10. Cultural Plurality Contending Memories and Concerns of Comparative History: Historiography and Pedagogy in Contemporary India
B. D. Chattopadhyaya
Chapter 11. Politics of Historical Sense Generation
D. L. Sheth
Chapter 12. Communalism, Nationalism, Secularism: Historical Thinking in India and the Problem of Cultural Diversity
Michael Gottlob
Chapter 13. The Search for Scholarly Identity—Renaming the Field of History in Late Nineteenth-Century Japan
Masayuki Sato
Chapter 14. History and Cultural Identity: The Case of Japan
Shingo Shimada
Notes on the Contributors
Про автора
Jörn Rüsen was Professor of Modern History at the Universities of Bochum and Bielefeld for many years. From 1994 to 1997 he was the Executive Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Study (Zif). Since 1997 he has been President of the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities in Essen and Professor for General History and Historical Culture at the University of Witten-Herdecke.