This volume collects the state of the art in molecular materials. It collects the lecture notes of a series of lectures given by some of the best specialists in the field at the 2007 Erice International School of Crystallography, and also a NATO-ASI course. The school first established ‘where we are’ in terms of modeling, design, synthesis and applications of crystalline solids with predefined properties and then defined current and possible futuristic lines of development.
Preface. List of Contributors. Biomineralization Design Strategies And Mechanisms of Mineral Formation: Operating At the Edge Instability; L. Addadi et al.- Self-Assembled Monolayers As Templates For Inorganic Crystallization: A Bio-Inspired Approach; J. Aizenberg.- Databases In Crystal Engineering; A. Bacchi.- Case Studies on Intermolecular Interactions In Crystalline Metals; P. Batail.- Crystal Polymorphism; J. Bernstein.- Complementarity: Correlating Structural Features with Physical Properties in Supramolecular Systems; S.A. Bourne.- Making Crystals From Crystals: A Solid-State Route To the Engineering of Crystalline Materials, Polymorphs, Solvates And Co-Crystals; Considerations on the Future of Crystal Engineering; D. Braga et al.- Nanostructured Frameworks for Materials Applications; N.R. Champness.- Crystal Engineering of Multfunctional Molecular Materials; E. Coronado.- Topological Approaches to the Structure of Crystalline and Amorphous Atom Assemblies; L.W. Hobbs.- Hydrogen-Bonded Crystals of Exceptional Dielectric Properties; A. Katrusiak.- Chirality In Crystals; R. Kuroda.- Design, Characterization and Use of Crystalline Thin Film Architectures at the Air-Liquid lnterface; L. Leiserowitz et al.- Design, Synthesis, And Characterization of Molecule-Based Magnet; J.S. Miller.- From Bonds To Packing: An Energy-Based Crystal Packing Analysis for Molecular Crystals; Juan J. Novoa, E. D’Oria.- On the Calculation and Interpretation of Crystal Energy Landscapes; S.L. Price.- NMR Crystallography and the Elucidation of Structure-Property Relationships In Crystalline Solids; S.M. Reutzel-Edens.- Organic Materials For Nonlinear Optics; M. Blanca Ros.- Building Conducting Materials. From Design to Devices; C. Rovira.- Hydrogen Bonding and Concurrent Interaction; U. Rychlewska.- Signalling by Modulation of Intermolecular Interactions; J.L. Scoff, K.Tanaka.- Biomineralization of Organic Phases Associated With Human Diseases; J.A. Swift.- Crystal Structure Determination From X-Ray Powder Diffraction Data; M. Tremayne.- Surface Properties of the Binary Alloy Thin Films; I. Zasada.- Subject Index.