Автор: Julian Mitchell

Eric May is Reader in Microbiology at the School of Biological Sciences, University of Portsmouth. He has been known for his work on the role of bacteria in stone deterioration for 20 years but also recently coordinated an EU study to assess the value of biotechnology for remediation of altered stone in buildings (BIOBRUSH). He chaired the scientific committees and organised the international heritage meeting Heritage Microbiology and Science (HMS 2005) in Portsmouth in June 2005 along with Mark Jones at the Mary Rose Trust. He is co-editor of Conservation Science: Heritage Materials and was a participant in a recent Preserving the Past research initiative that looked at the methods used in heritage and conservation work. Mark Jones is Head of Collections at the Mary Rose Trust. A leading conservation scientist, involved with the Mary Rose Trust since 1983, Dr Jones devised the conservation methodology for the hull and wooden artefacts at the Mary Rose Trust and is now responsible for all conservation matters. His principle research interests lie in the structure and degradation of archaeological wood, acid problem in treated and untreated archaeological wood and his conservation interests include the stabilisation of large waterlogged wooden objects. He is also responsible for the conservation of the Dover Bronze-Age Boat, a third century Gallo-Celtic Boat from Guernsey, the tenth century Graveney Boat for the National Maritime Museum and numerous pre-historic logboats. Dr Jones also leads a team of textile conservators working to conserve the fore-top sail of HMS Victory for display to the general public. Julian Mitchell is a Senior Lecturer in Microbial Genetics at the School of Biological Sciences, University of Portsmouth. He is a molecular biologist with an interest in the application of molecular techniques to the study of microbes in the environment.

8 Електронні книги від Julian Mitchell

Julian Mitchell: As Far as You Can Go
As Far As You Can Go was Julian Mitchell's third novel, first published in 1963. Its protagonist is Harold Barlow, a young stockbroker, on his way up in the world – but easily bored, desiring ad …
Julian Mitchell: Circle of Friends
Julian Mitchell's fifth novel, first published in 1966, is the story of Martin Bannister, whose lonely bachelor life in Manhattan is transformed by a meeting with desirable redhead Henrietta Gri …
Julian Mitchell: Disturbing Influence
A Disturbing Influence was Julian Mitchell's second novel, first published in 1962. The setting is the small, utterly English town of Cartersfield, where the very quietness of life causes troubl …
Julian Mitchell: Imaginary Toys
Imaginary Toys (1961) marked the literary debut of the then 26-year-old Julian Mitchell, who would eventually set aside his prizewinning career as a novelist and achieve wider renown as a dramatist, …
Julian Mitchell: White Father
'[The White Father] was to be a State of the Nation novel, about the end of Empire, contrasting the last generation of men who'd served it, and the new one which was just breaking out from …
Eric May & Mark Jones: Heritage Microbiology and Science
Heritage Science is emerging as a discipline that brings together chemists, physicists, microbiologists, conservation scientists, archaeologists and conservators. Its scope, precise boundaries and th …
Julian Mitchell: Devon Deception
Investigative journalist, Dan Morris, was a man on a mission. He had already disrupted the illegal drugs trade in Bristol and was now determined to uncover a County Lines gang operating in South Devo …
Julian Mitchell: Pilgrim’s Revenge
After a relatively quiet few months, an outbreak of serious headline-grabbing crimes confronts Inspector King and his team of detectives. Their investigations start with people trafficking on a South …