Автор: K. ng Hans K. ng

Hans Kung is Emeritus Professor of Ecumenical Theology at the University of Tubingen and President of the Global Ethic Foundation. He is the author of numerous best selling books including On Being a Christian (Harper Collins).

8 Електронні книги від K. ng Hans K. ng

Hans K ng: Tracing The Way
Tracing the Way is the product of a lifetime of experience. In researching and compiling this book Hans Kung has traveled to every corner of the globe in search of God in his many guises. Kung casts …
Professor Hans Kung: Women in Christianity
For two years Küng guided a research project on Women and Christianity, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. For most of the religions of the world, women are a problem. From time immemorial they hav …
Professor Hans Kung: What I Believe
Hans Kung is one of the most celebrated theologians of the present day. His audience, which is strong within his own Roman Catholic Church, is equally solid among Christians of other denominations, a …
Professor Hans Kung: Disputed Truth
Hans Küng has been a major influence on post-war Christianity by any reckoning. a peritus for the second Vatican council, he then went on to publish a number of controversial books, including Infalli …
K ng Hans K ng: What I Believe
Hans Kung is one of the most celebrated theologians of the present day. His audience, which is strong within his own Roman Catholic Church, is equally solid among Christians of other denominations, a …
Professor Hans Kung: Why I am Still a Christian
Hans Küng (1928-) is one of the most distinguished and widely-acclaimed theologians of the twentieth century. He has committed himself to a Christian Church full of life and freedom and humanity. His …
Professor Hans Kung: Disputed Truth
The second volume of riveting memoirs from Hans Kung, the leading – and controversial – theologian. Hans Küng has been a major influence on post-war Christianity by any reckoning. A peritus for the s …
Professor Hans Kung: Disputed Truth
The second volume of riveting memoirs from Hans Kung, the leading – and controversial – theologian. Hans Küng has been a major influence on post-war Christianity by any reckoning. A peritus for the s …