The Complete Space Opera Series in one volume
Comprising the Aurealis- and Ditmar-nominated Traitor’s Run, along with Traitor’s Bargain and Traitor’s War.
‘A potent SF depiction of humanity victimizing peaceful aliens.’ Kirkus Review
Two outcasts. One goal. Stop Earth.
Earth’s Hegemony controls the surrounding alien civilisations with ruthless force. Its aim: dominate the galaxy to protect humanity.
On Earth, disgraced pilot Rhees Lowrans is thrust into a job she doesn’t want. She sees firsthand how the Hegemony will sacrifice anything – including her – to keep Earth safe.
In the Lenticular, Udun – one of the empathic Kresz – is on a secret mission when he learns of the Hegemony’s expansion into nearby space. But his warnings are ignored and the Hegemony invades his world and mutilates any Kresz who oppose them.
Can these two outsiders stand against the might of the Hegemony? And will the human race survive if they succeed?
‘ wild and expansive, and just so utterly out there.” Aurealis Magazine
Про автора
I’m a speculative fiction writer, editor and publisher, born in Scotland and now living in Wollongong NSW. My short fiction has appeared in Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, Aurealis Magazine, Oceans of the Mind and Agog! Fantastic Fiction. I’m probably best known for being editor of Aurealis – Australian Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine from 2001 to 2004 and publisher with multi-award winning Australian independent press coeur de lion publishing from 2006 onwards. I also hosted 30 episodes of the Terra Incognita Speculative Fiction (TISF) Podcast from 2008 to 2011, and edited and produced Dimension6 speculative fiction electronic magazine from 2014 to 2020. My book reviews have appeared in Aurealis Magazine, on the TISF Podcast and the Newtown Review of Books website. My long fiction includes Horizon, a deep space exploration political and ecological thriller/ murder mystery, published by Harper Collins, and the three book Lenticular series, a galaxy-spanning space opera of species slaughter, subjugation and treachery, published by coeur de lion publishing.