Education and training have faced many challenges in the past five years – political, educational, and technological trends such as the European Bologna process, Lifelong Learning and the use of Social Software are just a few of the factors influencing this field. Furthermore, technology-enhanced lea- ing has become the mainstream of educational and training innovation. Within this context, this second edition of the Handbook on “Infor- tion Technologies for Learning, Education, and Training” attempts to capture the state-of-the-art in technology-enhanced learning, as it has emerged during the last years and anticipates important future developments. As the Handbook Editors, we have aimed to provide a comprehensive guide for both researchers and practitioners working in the field of Technology-enhanced Learning and Training. Our overall objective is to enable the reader to gain a deep understanding of the past, present, and future research and applications in this field. From a research perspective, the readers will obtain an in-depth und- standing of the complex theories, strategies, concepts, and methods of Technology-enhanced Learning. Based on these fundamentals they will be able to develop new and innovative approaches for the next generation of Technology-enhanced Learning.
The Enabling Technologies.- A Typology of Learning Object Repositories.- Adaptive Hypermedia.- Ontologies and Semantic Web for E-Learning.- Design and Case Studies on Mobile and Wireless Technologies in Education.- Ambient Intelligence and Ubiquitous Computing.- Designing Contextualized Learning.- Virtual and Augmented Reality.- Learning Design: Concepts.- Competence Models in Technology-Enhanced Competence-Based Learning.- Learner Modelling Through Analyzing Cognitive Skills and Learning Styles.- Turning Potentials into Reality: Achieving Sustainable Quality in E-Learning Through Quality Competence.- Integration of Learning and Working: Convergent Processes and Systems.- The E-Pedagogy.- Bridging the Gap Between Face-to-Face and Cyber Interaction in Holistic Blended Learning Environments.- Complex Domain Learning.- Communities of Practice.- Business Models for the Sustainable Implementation of E-Learning at Universities.- The Role of Competence Assessment in the Different Stages of Competence Development.- The Organisational Perspective.- The Future of E-Learning in Schools.- An Executable Model for Virtual Campus Environments.- Corporate Universities.- Lessons from Africa.- The African Virtual University.