The book, “Intelligent Computing – Proceedings of the 2022 Computing Conference”, is a comprehensive collection of chapters focusing on the core areas of computing and their further applications in the real world.
Each chapter is a paper presented at the Computing Conference 2022 held on July 14-15, 2022. Computing 2022 attracted a total of 498 submissions which underwent a double-blind peer-review process. Of those 498 submissions, 179 submissions have been selected to be included in this book.
The goal of this conference is to give a platform to researchers with fundamental contributions and to be a premier venue for academic and industry practitioners to share new ideas and development experiences.
We hope that readers find this book interesting and valuable as it provides the state-of-the-art intelligent methods and techniques for solving real-world problems. We also expect that the conference and its publications will be a trigger for further related research and technology improvements in this important subject.
Wearable Internet of Things (Io T) Device Model Design based on Low-Cost Healthcare Monitoring System for Current Covid-19 Disease.- A Matching Mechanism for Provision of Housing to the Marginalized.- Speed Harmonisation Strategy for Human-Driven and Autonomous Vehicles Co-existence.- Road Intersection Coordination Scheme for Mixed Traffic (Human Driven and Driver-less Vehicles): A Systematic Review.- Selection of Driving Mode in Autonomous Vehicles based on Road Profile and Vehicle Speed.- Compass Errors in Mobile Augmented Reality Navigation Apps: Consequences and Implications.- Leveraging Zero Trust Security Strategy to Facilitate Compliance to Data Protection Regulations.- Perspectives from 50+ Years’ Practical Zero Trust Experience and Learnings on Buyer Expectations and Industry Promises.- Bit Error Rate Analysis of Pre-formed Re RAM-based PUF.