Scale modeling can play an important role in R&D. When engineers receive some ideas in new product development, they can test how the new design looks by bui- ing scale models and they can get an actual feeling with the prototype through their imagination. Professor Emori often said: “When children play with a toy airplane, their mind is wondering about the prototype airplane which they haven’t ridden. ” Children can use the scale model airplane as a means to enter into an imagi- tive world of wonder by testing in their own way how the actual airplane might function, how the actual airplane can maneuver aerodynamically, what might be the actual sound of a jet engine, how to safely land the actual airplane, and so on. This imagination that scale models can provide for children will help them later develop professional intuition. Physical scale models can never be entirely succe- fully replaced by computer screens where virtual models are displayed and fancy functions are demonstrated. Not only children but also adults can learn things by actually touching things only offered by physical models, helping all of us develop imagination and feeling eventually leading toward Kufu. Einstein’s famous “thought experiments [11], ” which helped him to restructure modern physics may possibly and effectively be taught by letting researchers play with scale models!? References 1. I. Emori, K. Saito, and K. Sekimoto, Mokei Jikken no Riron to Ouyou (Scale Models in Engineering: Its Theory and Application), Gihodo, Tokyo, Third Edition, 2000.
Fire & Explosion.- A Reduced Scale-Modeling Study on Wind and Smoke Interaction at a Refuge Floor in a High-Rise Building.- Flame Spread over Polymer-Insulated Wire in Sub-Atmospheric Pressure: Similarity to Microgravity Phenomena.- Mechanistic Aspects of the Scaling of Fires and Explosions.- Modeling and Scaling Laws for Large Fires.- Modeling of Gas Explosion Phenomena.- Period for Spontaneous Ignition of a Refuse Derived Fuel Pile.- Pressure Scaling of Fire Dynamics.- Scale Effects on Flame Structure in Medium-Size Pool Fires.- Scale Model Reconstruction of Fire in an Atrium.- Scale Modeling of Quasi-Steady Wood Crib Fires in Enclosures.- Scale Modeling of Puffing Frequencies in Pool Fires Related with Froude Number.- Scaling Sub-Surface Layer Circulation Induced by Pulsating Flame Spread over Liquid Fuels.- Combustion.- Microgravity Droplet Combustion: An Inverse Scale Modeling Problem.- Modeling of Combustion Phenomena.- Molecular Diffusion Time and Mass Consumption Rate in Flames.- Nitric-Oxide Emissions Scaling of Buoyancy-Dominated Oxygen-Enriched Methane Turbulent-Jet Diffusion Flames.- Numerical Simulations of Methane Diffusion Flame with Burner Rotation.- Numerical Study of the Effect of Model Scaling on Mixing and Flame Development in a Wake Flow Field.- Scale Model Flames for Determining the Heat Release Rate from Burning Polymers.- Scale Modeling of Magnetocombustion Phenomena.- Scaling Analysis of Diffusion Flame Attachment and Liftoff.- Scaling of Gas-Jet Flame Lengths in Elevated Gravity.- Some Partial Scaling Considerations in Microgravity Combustion Problems.- Structure of Micro (Millimeter Size) Diffusion Flames.- Materials Processing, Manufacturing and Environment.- Backdraft Experiments in a Small Compartment.- Development of a New Paint Over-Spray Eliminator.- Flow Visualization of Waste-Heat Boiler Using 1/20 Scale Model and Numerical Simulation.- Scale Modeling for Landing of a Lunar Probe.- Scale Modeling of Steel Making Processes.- Scaling Laws for Sedimentation Process in Water Flow-Driven Sedimentation Tanks.- Scaling of Molten Metal Brazing Phenomena: Prolegomena for Model Formulation.- Sound Insulation Analysis of a Resin Composite Material Using the Homogenization Method.- Toys and Scale Models.- Medical – Conceptual, Practical, Translational into Practice.- Characteristic Timescales for Adherent Mammalian Cells.- Developing Scaling Parameters for Estimating Carbon Monoxide Levels in Structure Fires.- Monocyte Lung Retention During Normal Conditions (Health) and During Disease States (Endotoxemia): A Medical Application of Scale Modeling.- Lipolysaccharide-Induced Monocyte Retention in the Lung.- Scale Modeling of Medical Molecular Systems.- Scaling Human Bone Properties with PMMA to Optimize Drilling Conditions During Dental Implant Surgery.