Автор: Kuinam Kim

Kuinam J. Kim is a professor and chairman of convergence Security Department, Kyonggi University, Korea. He is the founding Editor in Chief of the ICAT Transactions on Convergence IT Security. He is currently on the advisory editorial board of the Convergence Security Journal. He is President of Korea Industry Security Forum and Korea Convergence Security Association. His research interests include cloud computing, wireless and mobile computing, digital forensics, video surveillance, information and convergence security. He has published extensively in these areas and received several Journals and conferences best paper awards. He received B.S in Mathematics from the University of Kansas www.ku.edu. His Ph.D in Industrial Engineering from Colorado State University was earned in 1994. He is Executive General Chair of the Institute of Creative and Advanced Technology, Science, Engineering (ICATSE). 

1 Електронні книги від Kuinam Kim

Kuinam Kim & Nikolai Joukov: Information Science and Applications 2017
This book contains selected papers from the 8th International Conference on Information Science and Applications (ICISA 2017) and provides a snapshot of the latest issues encountered in tec …