This book gives a detailed account of the primacy of the City of London, both as a domestic actor and as a global financial centre. It focuses on whether the hegemonic position of the City of London can be threatened by the globalization process and how this relates to its role as an international money laundering centre.
Introduction British ‘Exceptionalism’ and the City of London The City of London and British Economic Policies: 1960s to 1980s The City of London and the Process of European Monetary Integration Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the City of London: The End of Hegemony? Globalization and the Future of the City of London: Enduring Hegemony Money Laundering and the City of London Conclusion
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LEILA SIMONA TALANIis Associate Professor (Reader) in International and European Political Economy at King’s College London, UK. She was previously a Lecturer in European Politics at the University of Bath, UK, and a Research Fellow and then Lecturer at the European Institute of the London School of Economics, UK. In 2001 she spent a year as Associate Expert on migration issues at the United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention in Cairo. Her research interests focus on globalization and the future of the City of London as well as the political economy of migration flows from southern Mediterranean countries to the EU. She is the author of Europe in Crisis, The Global Crash, From Egypt to Europe, The future of EMU, Between Growth and Stability, European Political Economy and Betting for and against EMU.