Travels Here and There possesses stories from the heart about places far and near. Included in this volume readers are entertained by Larry Welchs recollections of travel to Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Malawi, Michigan, Nepal, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Ukraine, Vietnam, and Zambia. The final chapter is a personal story that involved a short journey from home to a hospital in Thailand and what transpired. Embedded with the stories are descriptions of geography, history, urban planning, and details on what went into making people famous or infamous as the case might be. Larry likes heroes and that shows through in his descriptions of what made some people great. Strolling through castles, fortresses, markets, museums, palaces, parks, Roman ruins, or dining on street food and riding buses or trains, will leave readers hungry for more and even give them a better appreciation for their own travels. In Innocents Abroad, Mark Twain wrote, Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all ones lifetime. Amen, Mr. Twain!
Про автора
An American living in Thailand, Larry Welch is a writer and photographer who spends about half his time traveling to new places. He considers that to be his higher education in learning more about the puzzle pieces that comprise world history, culture and life-styles. This is his eighth book about travel experiences and a biography on the life of his then 8-year old daughter, Mary. Larry is a product of the American Midwest, had a long career with the U.S. Navy and a short six year career as an English teacher in Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam and Nepal. He has a lifetime record of voluntarism and reaching out to the less fortunate. A passionate reader, Larry has had the pleasure of being a book lover from the time of his first baby book long ago.