If you feel you are pushing water uphill, going round in circles or perhaps going backwards, this book is for you.
Just imagine a successful and fulfilled life where you step into your full power, where you not only perform to your best but also where your talents are truly appreciated and cherished.
Imagine a world when you continually land on your feet, where opportunity lies around every corner and serendipity turns up at your door.
To some, the thought of becoming the biggest and best version of themselves might fill them with dread. Why put your head above the parapet only for people to take a pot shot?
Well just imagine that finding your Big Ü leads you to a place of freedom and unconditional love where others want to join you up on that parapet.
Acknowledgements v-vii
Foreword 1
About this book 5
Success by other means 7
How this book is structured 9
Reasons why 11
Mechanics of how 11
Energies to embrace 12
Caveats 12
Caveat 1 13
Caveat 2 13
Caveat 3 13
Caveat 4 14
Time to awaken 14
Companion Meditations 17
Journaling 18
Part One – The Material World
The Material World 23
The Goldilocks Zone 24
Stop the world, I want to get off 26
Behind the mask 28
Why 1: It’s easier 30
Why 2: The time is now 33
Why 3: It opens new doors 36
Why 4: It scales 39
How 1: Take responsibility 42
How 2: Be honest and authentic 44
How 3: Belief and trust 46
How 4: Take action 48
Energy 1: Observing and witnessing 50
Energy 2: Courage and curiosity 52
Energy 3: Sensitivity 54
Energy 4: Daring greatly 56
Key Takeaways 58
Companion Meditation: Being Grounded 58
Questions To Ponder 58
Part Two – Duality
Duality 63
In two minds 64
The tip of the iceberg 65
Soul and ego 67
Why 1: Hardship is an illusion 70
Why 2: Changing times 73
Why 3: Making a difference 76
Why 4: You have a dream 79
How 1: Time and space 82
How 2: Success and fulfilment 84
How 3: Seek and discover 86
How 4: Focus and stillness 88
Energy 1: The power of the breath 90
Energy 2: Synchronisation 92
Energy 3: Power centres 94
Energy 4: Entering the flow state 96
Key Takeaways 98
Companion Meditation: Whole Mind
Harmonisation 98
Questions To Ponder 98
Part Three – Superconsciousness
Superconsciousness 103
Moving Consciousness 104
Entanglement and de-tanglement 106
A new freedom 108
Why 1: Fire in your belly 110
Why 2: Supreme performance 113
Why 3: Explosive creativity 116
Why 4: Harmony and grace 119
How 1: Let your soul lead 122
How 2: Get in alignment 124
How 3: Source-ery 126
How 4: Pure and simple 128
Energy 1: Unconditionality 130
Energy 2: Prescience 132
Energy 3: Opening to channel 134
Energy 4: Precognition 136
Key Takeaways 138
Companion Meditation: Accessing
Superconsciousness 138
Questions To Ponder 138
Part Four – Oneness
Oneness 143
Unravelling The golden thread 144
Tuning into Oneness 147
Why 1: The honour 149
Why 2: The absolute why 152
Why 3: Wholeness 155
Why 4: The gift 158
How 1: Purity of consciousness 161
How 2: The end of the ego 163
How 3: Be here now 165
How 4: Being a Big Ü 167
Energy 1: Being of service 169
Energy 2: Leaving breadcrumbs 171
Energy 3: Becoming a conduit 173
Energy 4: Always open 175
Key Takeaways 177
Companion Meditation: Reaching Oneness 177
Questions To Ponder 177
The Path Ahead 181
About Laurence 187
About Tom 189
Next Steps 191
Про автора
Tom Evans is an author, meditation guide and expert at using mindfulness techniques for real world outcomes. Tom’s Big Ü was shown to him. He was and is lucky in this regard. Like many in this boat though, it took him many years to realise what was going on.
In his early career, he was shown he had a flair for understanding, explaining and utilising high technology. At first this was in the broadcast TV industry and latterly with the Interweb.
In his mid-40s, the wheels came off a rather comfortable bus after his second business exit.
A rather stressed version of Tom started to question the point of it all.
He was introduced to meditation and the world of metaphysics and the pennies began to drop. He wrote a short book by accident in a 747 at 39, 000 feet above the Atlantic and a new world opened up when he landed. Within a year, he discovered a new career an author’s mentor. This lead him become adept with some coaching and therapeutic tools.
Books then started to flow through him at a rate of more than one a year. Many were accompanied by meditations, which Tom at first saw as accessories to his writing.
A few years back, his meditations were discovered, and made available worldwide, by the Insight Timer app. It took a million listens for Tom to realise they were actually quite good. It dawned on him that he had evolved into being a meditation teacher who happened to be a writer.
Throughout this transition, the engineer in Tom has been active. His real ‘bigness’ is in explaining the unexplainable and giving people access to the inaccessible. He likes to call it making the esoteric exoteric.
This is his essence.