Автор: Leia M. Vieira

As a child, Leia was always intuitively spiritual by nature. She could see and speak to all kinds of angelic beings—mostly nature angels (fairies). At a young age, an adult caring for her made her ashamed of her gifts. In fear of being sent away, she turned her gifts off. She slowly forgot about her true nature as she grew up. After reaching the age of thirty, her gifts slowly began to emerge. Leia began to heal her life and yearn to have a future connecting to God and the angels. This invoked a full awakening that lasted over five years. Today, Leia has embraced her talents and creative intuitive insights with God and the angels. She has shifted her life into the divination of her true power. In so doing she has chosen to help others heal and embrace their true potential as well.

1 Електронні книги від Leia M. Vieira

Leia M Vieira: Becoming God’S Canvas
If you want to break free of all the things holding you back, this is the book for you. Its a guide to intuitively connect your inner self with God through the realm of the angels Gods messengers. By …