Discuss and learn about the ethical choices faced in academic research in the social sciences
This book provides a basis for class discussion about the responsible conduct of social science research. These 16 brief research ethics cases describe situations in which ethical dilemmas arise and present students with the opportunity to think through the different implications for researchers. The cases emphasize different types of ethical dilemmas involving faculty, students, participants, and stakeholders. Included are the original cases, complete with learning objectives, teaching notes, and questions for discussion.
‘…the cases presented are exceptionally well thought-out and presented at an appropriate level
for graduate students.’ -T. Gregory Barrett, University of Arkansas
‘This book fills a gap in the literature…The broad range of topics covers many issues of concern to all social scientists.’ – Sue Ann Taylor, American University
Chapter 1. Research Misconduct
Chapter 2. Protection of Human Subjects
Chapter 3. Conflict of Interest
Chapter 4. Data Management Practices
Chapter 5. Mentor and Trainee Responsibilities
Chapter 6. Collaborative Research
Chapter 7. Authorship and Publication
Chapter 8. Peer Review
Про автора
Ronald E. Goldsmith, Ph.D., is the Richard M. Baker Professor of Marketing in the College of Business at Florida State University where he teaches consumer behavior and marketing research. Most of his research focuses on personality’s role in consumer behavior and measurement issues, especially in the areas of diffusion of innovations, consumer involvement, and services marketing. He was a co-editor (North America) for The Service Industries Journal from 1991 to 2010. He has published over 150 articles in such journals as The Journal of Services Marketing, The Journal of Consumer Behaviour, The Journal of Advertising, The European Journal of Marketing, The Journal of Social Psychology, The Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and the Journal of Business Research. His book co-authored with Gordon Foxall entitled Consumer Psychology for Marketing was first published in 1994 and appears in Chinese, Polish, Russian, and Korean editions.