The World Today: Teacher’s Guide is a comprehensive resource filled with fun, captivating, and thought-provoking hands-on activities.
In each chapter, you will find:
- section and chapter overviews
- hands-on and minds-on activities to engage your students in acquiring and applying information
- vocabulary-building exercises
- note-taking guides
- review activities, and assessment ideas and activities
- fun puzzles, engaging word games, and other easy-to-prepare games
- suggested resources for the teacher and student
- many useful reproducible masters (such as activities, maps, and graphic organizers)
The Teacher’s Guide also includes four projects for students or groups of students, as well as answer keys to the blackline masters. Visit for additional resources to use with the student textbook.
Про автора
Richard Harbeck was a high school teacher in geography and social science for 28 years when he took early retirement in 1995 to pursue teacher education opportunities in the Faculty of Education at the University of Manitoba. He teaches courses in curriculum and instruction in senior years’ geography and social studies, classroom management, and successful teaching for the acceptance of responsibility. He is especially proud of MAGIC, the acronym for a course called Meaningful Activities to Generate Interesting Classrooms, which he initiated and which is one of the faculty’s most-popular courses. He holds bachelor’s degrees in arts and education and a master’s degree in city planning from the University of Manitoba.