Автор: Loredana Punga

Luminiţa Frenţiu is a Reader in the English Department at the University of the West, Timişoara, Romania. She specializes in translation studies, pragmatics, discourse analysis and English morphology. Luminiţa Frenţiu is the author of Strategii de comunicare în interacţiunea verbală (Timişoara: Editura Mirton, 2000) and Instances of Discourse Analysis (Timişoara: Editura Mirton, 2004), and has brought her contribution to: Dicţionar englez-român de colocaţii verbale (edited by Hortensia Pârlog and Maria Teleagă; Iaşi: Editura Polirom, 2000), The Art and Craft of Translation (edited by Loredana Frăţilă; Timişoara: Editura Universităţii de Vest, 2009) and to Instant English: English for the Baccalaureate and Entrance Examinations (Iaşi: Editura Polirom, 2004), which she also edited, together with Hortensia Pârlog and Pia Brînzeu. She has published articles in her fields of expertise, including: “Consonant Strategies in Spoken Discourse” (Semiotics around the World: Synthesis in Diversity, Berlin, 1998), “Pragmatic Instances of Linguistic Humor” (From Margin to Center, Iaşi, 2000), “Referential Processes in Translating Legal and Administrative Texts” (The Legacy of History, Vol. 2, Krakow, 2004), “Translating Idioms” (Cultural Matrix Reloaded, Bucureşti, 2005), “When Talk is War: A Metaphor Approach to Election Political Debates” (co-author, Codruţa Goşa; Romanian Journal of English Studies, Timişoara, 2006).Loredana Pungă is a Senior Lecturer in English at the University of the West, Timişoara, Romania. Her domains of expertise are English lexicology, English phonetics and phonology, discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, ESP and translation studies. She is the author of The English Verb Made Easy, (Timişoara: Art Press, 2003), On Language and Ecology (Timişoara: Editura Universităţii de Vest, 2006), English for Students of Kinetotherapy (co-author, Carmen Nedelea; Timişoara: Art Press, 2007), English for Sports and Games (co-author, Carmen Nedelea; Timişoara: Editura Universităţii de Vest, 2010), and Words about Words: An Introduction to English Lexicology (Timişoara: Editura Universităţii de Vest, 2011). Loredana Frăţilă is editor of The Art and Craft of Translation (Timişoara: Editura Universităţii de Vest, 2009), to which she has also contributed a chapter, and co-editor of Challenges in Translation (Timişoara: Editura Universităţii de Vest, 2010) and Language in Use: The Case of Youth Entertainment Magazines (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010). She is also co-editor of Translationes, a yearly journal in translation studies, published by the University of the West Press. She has published articles in her area of research both in Romanian and abroad.

2 Електронні книги від Loredana Punga

Loredana Fratila & CodruE›a GoE(TM)a: Journey through Knowledge
A Journey through Knowledge: Festschrift in Honour of Hortensia Parlog is a collection of articles dedicated to one of the best known Romanian university teachers and linguists, both in her home coun …
Loredana Punga: Language in Use
Language in Use: Metaphors in Non-Literary Contexts is a kaleidoscope of studies born from the belief that there is always something more to say about metaphor. What unites the pieces of this kaleido …