Flirting With The Truth is a collection of short stories and poems, all of which are true, based on situations and events that have taken place in the life thus far, of the author, Luella Thomas. The story, A Fed Up Woman can certainly be appreciated by both women and men: it is about entering into a relationship in hopes of becoming that special one to tie the knot, but after several years of patiently waiting, and with a deadly blow to her ego, which would inevitably shock her back to reality, Luella would quickly learn that letting go and moving on, would prove to be most challenging.
The story, Simon Said is about friendship, politics, and deadly intentions to undermine, manipulate, and destroy the innocent. With an uncontrollable lust to recruit those who were vulnerable and weak, and to entrap anyone who would get in the way of his progress, Simon would stop at nothing. Known for his charm and charismatic approach, many loved him initially, and although he marveled in delight while watching his victims helplessly self-destruct, he spared no prisoners who entered into his web of deceit: the lost of their pride and then death, was imminent.
The poem, A Righteous Prayer offers a prayer of relief to those who seek spiritual guidance, while Now Is The Time addresses change, commitment, and loyalty, in order to survive todays social and economic problems. A Message To My People is a must read poem, for it addresses the issues of morals and values amongst ourselves, our families, and our allies.
Flirting With The Truth is said to be a sharp and invigorating piece of literary work, comprised of hair-raising poems and heart-felt stories about lifes lessons, which renders food for thought. Its funny, entertaining, and a pleasure to read.
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A dedicated writer, with aspirations of becoming a missionary, Luella Thomas, was born and raised in Benton Harbor, Michigan and was gifted at a very early age in her life to sing, play the piano and organ, write songs, poems, and poetic-speeches, and she continues to do so today. At the age of 20, she moved to Los Angeles, California in hopes to fulfill her then dream of becoming a recording artist for a major record label, and while she worked fifteen (15) years in the music industry, through one of her many accomplishments, she became the first black female director for a major record label in Hollywood, California.
After realizing that her true purpose in life is to inspire, motivate, and to encourage people, she eventually relocated back to her home-town, and has now devoted her life and time, to doing exactly that. She is refreshingly candid, and has earned the respect of many through her domestic and international travels, and is currently continuing her studies in Theology and Business. Ms. Thomas believes that in order for people to obtain and sustain both center and balance, they must continue to grow spiritually, educationally, morally, and socially.
For more information about Ms. Thomas, or Flirting with the Truth, visit her Web site at: To contact Ms. Thomas for a book signing, speaking engagement, fund-raiser, or special event, she can be reached through her website, or by mail at: T-ELLA Creations, 717 St. Joseph Dr., Suite #138 St. Joseph, Michigan 49085-2428