This book offers various perspectives from media studies, interpersonal communication, and intercultural communication on the experience and effects of being othered, excluded, and treated as less than. Its three sections cover: 1) expressions of otherness in everyday life, 2) experiences of otherness in media discourses and 3) strategies against otherness in social interaction. This book challenges the expression of otherness that is frequently related on texts of colonialism and of western social hegemonic characteristic of the Global North, therefore giving voice to perspectives from the Global South, in a pluralistic reading. The collection of contexts in which the expression of otherness is highlighted in this book, are presented in the perspective of the powerless other. As a receiver involved in a communicative process, the othered individual is approached in relation to his identitarian demonstrations, both in daily life, face-to-face and virtual contexts and in critical situations. These range from households to school and to media environments, therefore enhancing a thorough perspective on the phenomenon of othering in plural contexts.
1. Introduction.- Part 1: Expressions of Otherness in everyday life.- 2. Gendered audience design in English-language cookbooks.- 3. Storytelling and alterity: creative and humanizing communication.- 4. Othering Otherness: The entangled stories of Boka and Boka.- 5. The evolution of the First-Generation student: disadvantaged Other to social category to emerging social identity.- 6. The Neurodivergent Other in the educational system.- 7. Through the looking glass: the language of listening.- Part 2: Experiences of Otherness in media discourses.- 8. Voicing the other: young people at risk and media usage.- 9. When I am the Other: entwining source and reader expectations in social media promotional messages for a make-up brand.- 10. Gay couple’s representation in Mexican cinema.- 11. Social innovation: other ways of teaching and learning.- 12. Museums and the otherness of gamified educational processes.- Part 3: Strategies against Otherness in social interaction.- 13. The politics of biological otherness in intercountry adoption.- 14. Contact theory or Conflict theory: how does living or working with different ethnic groups influence people’s perception of each Other?.- 15. Communicating Otherness: Island mentality and its inter-relationship with Culture, Tradition and Identity.- 16. Centring Otherness with migrant women affected by domestic abuse.- 17. Communication for social change behind the scenes: the strategic role of silence in human right activism.- 18. Mapping Otherness in Times of War: Russian Nationalism and National Identity Discourses amid the 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine.
Про автора
Luísa Magalhães, co-editor of the Palgrave Studies in Otherness and Communication book series, is a researcher at the Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies (CEFH) and Professor in Communication Sciences at the Catholic University of Portugal.