Hortensia Pârlog is Professor Emerita of English Language at the West University of Timişoara, Romania. She has published articles in the fields of English phonetics and phonology, lexicology, syntax, pragmatics and translation studies, and is the author, co-author and/or co-editor of several volumes and dictionaries, including The Sound of Sounds (1995), The English Noun Phrase (1995), Dicţionar englez-român de colocaţii verbale (2000), Instant English (2004), Translating the Body (2007, 2009) and Language in Use (2010). She is the founder and editor of the BAS/British and American Studies journal.Luminiţa Frenţiu is a Reader in the English Department at the West University of Timişoara, Romania. She specializes in translation studies, pragmatics, dis-course analysis and English morphology. She is the author of Strategii de comunicare în interacţiunea verbală (2000) and Instances of Discourse Analysis (2004), and has made contributions to Dicţionar englez-român de colocaţii verbale (2000); to Instant English (2004), which she also co-edited; and to A Journey through Knowledge (2012) as co-author and co-editor.
5 Електронні книги від Luminița Frențiu
Loredana Fratila & CodruE›a GoE(TM)a: Journey through Knowledge
A Journey through Knowledge: Festschrift in Honour of Hortensia Parlog is a collection of articles dedicated to one of the best known Romanian university teachers and linguists, both in her home coun …
Luminita Frentiu & Hortensia Parlog: Translating Across Cultures
Translating Across Cultures is a collection of nine papers given at the 21st BAS/British and American Studies conference, held in Timi AYoara in May 2011. They focus on translation problems that may …
Hortensia Parlog: What’s in a Balcony Scene? A Study on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and its Adaptations
As reflected in its title, the central question that drives this book is "what’s in a balcony scene?", particularly that which appears in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Exploring its repre …