Pig was having a feel-good kind of day. Pig was just hanging around, thinking about his favorite things. Sunshine, rainbows, and the feel of cool mud on a hot summer day.
Then out of the blue came a Pesky Fly,
That Pesky Fly buzzed around Pig’s nose.
He buzzed around Pig’s ears.
Suddenly Pig’s peaceful, feel-good day wasn’t so peaceful anymore. Pig needs to figure out the best way to handle it, instead of yelling or swatting… that wouldn’t be kind! Fly needs to figure out how to better interact with his friends and respect Pig’s space, and decides Pig is a good friend to have! Pig and Fly work through their problem and move on to having a feel-good day…together!
Includes a Note to Parents, Caregivers, and Professionals with more information on helping children deal with frustration and build positive relationships.
Про автора
Lysa Mullady has been an elementary school counselor for 28 years. She was born and raised on Long Island, New York, where she still lives with her family and two golden-doodles. Bye Bye Pesky Fly is her first children’s book. Visit her at www.lysamullady.com and follow her on Facebook: @lysamullady, Twitter: @lysamullady, and Instagram: @lysamullady. Janet Mc Donnell’s illustrations combine traditional media and digital techniques. In addition to illustrating books, magazines, and puzzles, Janet has both taught and written for children from preschool to high school ages. She is the illustrator of numerous books for children including Bye Bye Pesky Fly, What to Do When You Don’t Want to Be Apart, and Blossom Plays Possum. Visit www.janetmcdonnell.com and follow Facebook: @janetmcdonnell.illustrator Twitter: @dcdonnelldoodle Instagram: @janetmcdonnellillo.