Michel Denuit – Michel Denuit is Professor of Statistics and Actuarial Science at the Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium. His major fields of research are risk theory and stochastic inequalities. He (co-)authored numerous articles appeared in applied and theoretical journals and served as member of the editorial board for several journals (including Insurance: Mathematics and Economics). He is a section editor on Wiley’s Encyclopedia of Actuarial Science.
Jan Dhaene, Faculty of Economics and Applied Economics KULeuven, Belgium.
Marc Goovaerts, Professor of Actuarial Science (Non-life Insurance) at University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands) and Catholique University of Leuven (Belgium)
Rob Kaas, Professor of Actuarial Science (Actuarial Statistics), U. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
5 Електронні книги від Marc Goovaerts
Michel Denuit & Jan Dhaene: Actuarial Theory for Dependent Risks
The increasing complexity of insurance and reinsurance products has seen a growing interest amongst actuaries in the modelling of dependent risks. For efficient risk management, actuaries need to be …
Michel Denuit & Jan Dhaene: Modern Actuarial Risk Theory
Apart from standard actuarial theory, Modern Actuarial Risk Theory contains methods that are relevant for actuarial practice, for instance the rating of automobile insurance policies, premium princip …
Michel Denuit & Jan Dhaene: Modern Actuarial Risk Theory
Modern Actuarial Risk Theory contains what every actuary needs to know about non-life insurance mathematics. It starts with the standard material like utility theory, individual and collective model …
Marc Goovaerts & J. Haezendonck: Insurance and Risk Theory
Canadian financial institutions have been in rapid change in the past five years. In response to these changes, the Department of Finance issued a discussion paper: The Regulation of Canadian Financi …
Marc Goovaerts & J. Haezendonck: Premium Calculation in Insurance
I am pleased to participate in this Summer School and look forward to sharing some ideas with you over the next few days. At the outset I would like to describe the approach I will take in 1 presenti …