This book explores the place of the body and embodied practices in the production and experience of grace in order to generate transformative futures. The authors offer a range of phenomenologies in order to move the philosophical anchoring of phenomenology from an abstracted European tradition into more open and complex experiential sets of understandings. Grace is a sticky word with many layers to it, and the authors explore this complexity through a range of traditions, practices, and autobiographical accounts. The goal is to open a grace-space for reflection and action that is both futures-oriented and enlivening.
Phenomenologies of Grace: Introduction.- 2. The Heirs of Tiresias: Grace, the Uncanny and Transformative Action.- 3. Messy Grace: The Mutant Futures Program.- 4. Forest Walks and Literary Engagement: Meditations on Grief, Joy, and a Restorative Politics.- 5. Between Presence and Absence: Living and Learning Grace in the Face of Death.- 6. Longing for the Great Facebook in Portuguese: A Translated Phenomenology of “Graça”.- 7. “Things Reveal Themselves Passing Away”.- 8. Grace: Truth, Travel and Translation.- 9. Being Alive to Mystery.- 10. Designs for Embodiment and Soul: Offerings for Adult Learners in the Twenty-First Century College Classroom.- 11. A Phenomenology of Grace: The New Insights.- 12. In Defence of the Quotidian: Poetry and Life Writing.- 13. Grace Notes: Boundaries and Transgression in Early Music.- 14. Music and the ‘World of Feeling’.- 15. Where Two Rivers Meet.- 16. Moving, Being Moved and Witnessing Movement.- 17. Systems Sensing: A case for Embodied, Arts-Based Responses to Complex Problems.- 18. Amazing Grace: Play with the Poor as a Channel of Blessing.- 19. Grace-Moves: What WING IT! Performance Ensemble Taught Me About the Relational Nature of Grace.- 20. Grace Operatives: How the Body Wisdom Changed the World.
Про автора
Marcus Bussey is Deputy Head, School of Social Sciences at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia.
Camila Mozzini-Alister is an Adjunct Research Fellow at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia.